
Was Adam black, caucasian or chinese?

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Was Adam black, caucasian or chinese?




  1. All of the above!  Maybe he was an Indian?  :)

  2. We have good reason to beleive that he was mid-brown.

    He must have had the genetic information for both pale and dark skin, curly and straight hair, western and oriental eyes, etc.

    After the dispersal at Babel, each group of people had a subset of the gene pool at that time, which led to the different racial characteristics developing in the separate people groups.

    There is a good article here:

  3. It does not matter what he was.  He was human.

  4. there weren't any adam or eve's.

  5. He was probably a golden brown colour, like the Khoisan bushmen (Y chromosome Adam).

  6. Or furry, or a quap-ped?  None of us know, but there are many speculations.

  7. He probably was a perfect genetic mixture of all the various human people groups whereby all the various groups derived their specific characteristics after centuries of inbreeding with the resultant dominant genes that cause people of certain areas to have light skin, dark skin, brown skin, eye and hair color, etc.... It's been shown that all the skin colors of the world could have been produced from one set of parents in one generation.

    How did we get all those skin colors? An evolutionary idea that the darker skin colors came from man being exposed to lots of sun, and each generation got darker and darker, has real problems. The Eskimo has fairly dark skin, yet he keeps his body covered with furs most of the time. How could the sun change his skin color? Could we get all the skin colors from just two people, Adam and Eve?

    If mankind began from just two people, then to get all the different colors that we see in people today, Adam and Eve would have had to be polka dotted! Or striped! Or checkered? Paisley? Camouflaged? No. To get all the kinds of skin color that we see, Adam and Eve would only had to have the right assortment of genes.

    Genes are small parts of your cell that are the pattern for what you look like. You get all your genes from your parents. You will have light or dark skin depending on what kind of genes you parents have, not from polka dots!

    Red and yellow, black and white, and let's not forget brown; to get all these skin colors it would seem that there must be red, yellow, brown, black and white colorings or pigments in the skin. But in fact, there is only one skin color: a brown pigment called melanin. We basically all have the same skin color, just different amounts of melanin. Albinos have no melanin, so they have very white skin (almost pink because of the blood vessels that show through).

    If you have only a little melanin, you have white skin. If you have very black skin, it is because your skin makes a lot of melanin. Brown skin comes from all the variations you can get between white and black. If you are Chinese, your skin is slightly thicker which gives your skin a yellowish shade. No matter the color, it all comes from melanin. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes. It is produced to protect the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. If you have light skin (little melanin), a lot of sun can give you a sunburn. Even dark skinned people can get a sunburn, making their skin even darker. Take away the sun and their skin color returns to the original shade.

    How long would it take to get all the different skin colors we see in people today? Thousands of years? Millions of years? No, it could happen in just one generation! That's about 30 years! To understand how this can happen, let's take a very basic course in genetics.

    Genes in the DNA carry the instructions on how to make each and every feature that makes your body. We get our genes from our parents: one half comes from the father and the other half comes from the mother.

    Melanin is the stuff that also gives your hair and eye color. For simplicity, let's call the gene that carries the directions to make melanin in your eyes B; it is asking your cells to make melanin. Genes come in matching pairs. Another gene of the pair says nothing (silent) about making melanin (let's call it b). If you get B from your father, and b from your mother, you will have brown eyes. If your father has B and your mother also has B, you will also have brown eyes. If you get b from your father and b from your mother, there are no instructions for melanin, so you will have blue or non-brown eyes. Get the idea?

    Now to get a little more complicated. Skin color is determined by at least two sets of genes.

    Lets call the genes that ask for melanin to be made by your cells A and B, and the genes (silent) that ask the cells to make very little melanin a and b. People with the darkest skin would have genes AABB and those with very light skin would have genes aabb

  8. I think he was probably blue (with cold). Not a lot of protection from a fig leaf.

  9. He was a Scotsman by the name of Jock Tampson !

  10. I don't know - it could only be speculated upon, not proven.  What is clear is that his offspring became all of the above.  Genetic studies seem to show that we all came from somewhere between the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean.

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