
Was America important once.?

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Was America important once.?




  1. No, it's never been important. It just likes to think it is.

  2. no you silly... more than once!

  3. EVERY country is important.

  4. maybe

    they always took things form other countries

  5. Still the most important nation. Ask the Iraqi people, I'm sure they have an idea of the importance of America.

  6. America is still the world's leading exporter of hypocrisy.

    And arrogance.

  7. Well, given that the United States is STILL the most powerful country in the world... I'd say not only were we ONCE important, but we still very much are.

    Of course... various political parties and interest groups will lead you to believe that the U.S. should give up its role as world leader.

  8. No  more.

  9. America is still important.

  10. The American rainforests are very important to the stability of the worlds eco-system

    Some of the american supervolcanos and meteor impact craters were probably important in worldwide mass extinctions.

    There were many important american cultures for thousands of years before the Europeans arrived.

    central and south american civilisations developed many of the staple crops we depend on today, like potatoes & maize; plus tobacco, coco...

    America was important in the migration of early humans and to populate polynesia.

    the US is only a small part of America, although it does have the largest "defence" (attack) buget, and highest levels of personal debt, so tends to dominate the area. There are few American countries the US has not at sometime attacked or tried to engineer regime change.

  11. Yes, starting with WW 1, America became very important to the world.  But, like the Roman empire, and then the British empire, the American empire is now falling.  It will be a miracle if the next President can change the course of this fall.

  12. America will only be remembered for it's consumerism revolution- like the industrial revolution. And it's contribution to war. Never for building an empire, America will try but it will never happen.

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