
Was Andrea Dworkin married?

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So, she wasn't a misandrist then?




  1. I just looked it up.   He's a male homosexual feminist.  LOL !!!!  

    Even the worst man-hating feminists can be married.

  2. A female living in civilization cannot be a misandrist. It can't happen.  ...And that's because women know that men have given them everything they have, right down to the ideas in their head. Hate can only materialize when a person feels they have a foothole to apply that hate. Where would she apply her hate? How could a lone white man growing up in an all mexican neighborhood- being raised by mexicans, working for them, being educated by them, coexisting in their social structure>>how could that white man turn to hate mexicans- WHILE still living within their society? Not only would those feelings not typically arise, but even in the event they did, rarely would a person be ignorant enough to ostracize themselves from the only social group around. A group who is almost omnipotent in that specific society.  

    She may have been jealous, had some pent up aggressionn and may have harbored ill feelings-- but those more than likely arose out of  disappointment and hurt from her not receiving all that she would like from men. If anything she likely wanted to be more apart of male social dynamic rather than be distanced from it.


  3. Her husband must have felt like a criminal if he read her book 'Intercourse'. Never in my life have I read such a crazed account of the meaning of penetrative s*x. Dworkin was guilty of trying to make universal philosophy out of personal experience.

  4. Stoltenberg claimed to be g*y, Dworkin claimed L*****n.

    Yet they married?

    Dworkin suffered abuse in her life, and tried to turn her personal experience into universal fact. Really, she needed to learn that just because she has had bad experience sexually doesn't mean that the rest of us aren't perfectly happy enjoying it.

    Its sad that she got so much attention and support.

  5. She was in fact married twice.

    Her first marriage was to a man who proved to be violent and from whom she fled to a life of great poverty and desperation.

    Her second marriage was to her long time friend and companion John Stoltenberg, who she loved very dearly. They remained married until her death at age 58.

    Cheers :-)

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