
Was Andromeda tied to a rock and threatened by a monster to pay for her father's offence to the gods?

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Was Andromeda tied to a rock and threatened by a monster to pay for her father's offence to the gods?




  1. wat the heck?

  2. No. Andromeda's mother (queen Cassiopeia) was bragging that Andromeda was more beautiful then the Nereids (sea nymphs). Poseidon punished the mother by having the sea monster Cetus attack the kingdom. Andromeda's father chained her to the rock as a sacrifice under advice of the Oracle to try to get the attack to stop.

  3. Beautiful Andromeda is chained to rocks by the sea about to be devoured by Cetus the Sea Monster, the Kraken. Her mother, Queen Cassiopeia, had boasted of her daughter's beauty to be greater than the Nereids, the nymphs of the sea. Upon hearing such arrogance, the gods became angry, and to punish Cassiopeia, they sentence princess Andromeda to her death. King Cepheus, preoccupied with more important evolutionary matters, and disgusted with the perpetual pettiness of the whole affair, turns his head in apparent denial. The king knows there is far more complexity to the issue at hand--including the issues and required growth of all involved.

    Perseus, Andromeda's radiant and gallant Twin Flame, in the initiatory process of his own self mastery, had just slain Medusa, having been advised this to be the only way possible to gain the hand of his beloved. From the blood of Medusa sprang the Magical Flying Horse, Pegasus. Perseus, claiming the Magical Pegasus as his ally, sets his sight on Triangulum, the Holy Trinity, and flies above the Kraken. As the monster takes sight of the head of Medusa, the Kraken turns to stone and shatters into the sea. Perseus frees Andromeda. Triumphant, Perseus and Andromeda claim their true soul destiny, uniting forever in their Divine Love.

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