
Was Arsene Wenger Hinting he would by Gareth Barry???

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At his Press conferance yesterday arsene said he wanted a exeperianced midfielder and refused to comment on Barry, would be barry fit in with aresenal???




  1. Wenger player criteria=Under 24 years old.

                                      Barry is 27.


                                      Outside England player

                                      Barry is England born.

    Conclusion=Wenger will not buy him.

  2. possibly but barry has his heart on liverpool

  3. Hahahahahaha! Arsenal buying an English player? don't be stupid, 1 is probably too much as it is..

  4. No. Just a rumour from the tabloids.

  5. I doubt it very much as he is older than the players Wenger normaly buys. We have Diaby who plays like Vieira and hope he gets the central role this season. It can only happen if Wenger is prepared to do a player exchange and cash.

  6. Hang on......We're in August ain't we?It's not April 1st....Arsenal buy an english player!!!!! getaway.......

  7. i guess soo.... he would be ok for arsenal... but i just feel that the greedy Wenger wouldnt afford Gareth...

  8. He would do good for Arsenal.

  9. this is the English football section jokes are placed elsewhere......

  10. Don't know he will choose Alonso or Barry but I hope is Alonso.

  11. no they cant afford him

  12. No, No No NO NO NO NO.

    We don't need overated rubbish like him for such an outrageous price too. Diaby and Denilson are easily better than he is. He is also a money grabbing, traitor and now nobody wants him not even Villa

  13. He was going to try before a couple of weeks ago but they have less money than Liverpool so he said he would just get players that come up from the Aresnal youth team  

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