
Was Barak Obama properly Vetted?

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There is a question of dual-citizen ship of him having used a passport showing his as being an Indonesian citizen---and then there is the affilliations with some very far left and criminal associates and criminals.

As the educated of us know it is not uncommon to register a birth well after the birth. That Obama's birth was registered and announced in Hawaii seems to be well documented.

There is the rumor that Obama was born in Kenya and that Ann Dunham Obama flew to Hawaii with the baby after the birth to see her parents and registered the birth in Hawaii while she was there so her son would have the benefits of US citizenship.

Since there is no record available of which hospital Obama was born in and a lot of contradictory information on the subject I believe possibility that Ann Dunham Obama brought the baby into the US is plausible.

There seems to be a lot of debate about how much this would matter if it were true.

While travel records are not usually public they can be and have been subpoenaed and made public as well as having been made public voluntarily. Ann Dunham Obama passport record should show her dates of travel, there should be commercial travel records, possibly credit card records, etc. There should be a birth record at a hospital.

With all of the controversy around this I am wondering why this type of information has not been released?

I can also see Ann Dunham Obama leaving Kenya so her baby was delivered in a US hospital just because she wanted the best medical care.

The travel records should firmly establish this one way or another and it would be an easy way to put the question to rest.

Anyone seen Ann Dunham Obama's and Obama's and Barry's passport travel records?

Can we now please put the vetting issue of Sarah Palin to rest?




  1. It would seem that Vice Presidential vetting is more intrusive than  actually the presidential vetting......take for instance John Edwards, if he was properly vetted he probably would of not run in the question would be, who would of received his votes?

    The whole election dynamic would be changed.

    as far asking all these questions, I believe you are barking up the wrong tree at this point, so to speak...

    maybe you should ask, What is the value added of Michelle Obama's salary of  $300 K/ year fron Univ. of Chicago Hospital? (some doctors/researchers do not make that much money)

  2. all of what you have stated are true.  any other candidate would have been thoroughly investigated by the press.  that is if we still had a press.  all we have now is worshipers of Obama.  

    his background while running for office, how he really 'won' his state senate seat and most of all his connections to numerous radical organizations such as ACORN who has been convicted of voter fraud many times.

    his church and their Black Liberation Theology, no one even knows what they are teaching young people and adults.  his association with Ayers, a terrorist.  more is coming out about this now and Obama is again using dirty tricks to intimidate anyone who wants to explore it rather than let the 'sun shine' on it and let people see.

    the thing is that Obama supporters DON'T care and will not even look at anything that might prove his radical views and friends.  If they did, they would at least ask a couple of questions.

    this man could not pass the background checks that my son and granddaughter had to go through to join the Army and they want him to be Commander in Chief.  it is beyond logic.

  3. For the past 20 months, Barack Obama has been vetted, layed, relayed and parlayed.  He has waged a grueling national campaign and has been involved in more than 20 debates and has been grilled by several opponents - including Senator Clinton and Senator Biden.

    Senator Obama has been interviewed by national reporters, international reporters, as well as local reporters from news agencies all over the US and the world

    Senator Obama's vetting is complete and "rumors" about birth place and religion are silly political spit balls planted by GOP hot air gas bags.  At this point, Senator Obama's story is old news.

    The problem with Sarah Palin is this:   John McCain picked her for VP at the last minute after he was pressured into rejecting Sen. Lieberman.   McCain himself only met her once or twice and other than a handful of GOP insiders, NOBODY knows anything about her.  What is happening now is that the press and is doing their job which is report information and let people decide how that information impacts their voting decision.

    The challenge for Palin is that America will only have 8 weeks to learn about her and make up their minds.    If the news reports about her are good, so be it (we expect our candidates to have positive attributes) But if the information is not so good, Palin/McCain/Bush will only have a short time to explain it.

    In the case of Reverend Wright, Obama had several months to address the issue and put it to rest.  In the case of Governor Palin, there is an over load of new information about this new comer and it will take time for the information to be reported and for the people to digest.

    The ball is in Governor Palin's court.   She can turn this thing around tonite but tonite may be her only chance to do so.

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