
Was Beowulf a real person?

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Was Beowulf a real person?




  1. For me a legend, like King Arthur, Robin Hood or William Tell. We don't know the truth. Maybe they did exist but we don't know for sure. Of course is a myth that he "fought with a monster named Grendel". Now, suppose something were to happen that our data in libraries, records and computers are all wiped out [and it did happen in antiquity], would people in a far future, let say year 4,678 A.D..[we are in 2008 A.D.] will consider Reagan, the two Bush, Clinton, McCain, Hillary and Obama "myths" from the past and not certain that they existed, which we know they did or do, and be asking the same qustion we ask of King Arthut and Beowulf? Nice to consider.


  3. Nobody knows. The epic poem was written sometime between 800-1100 CE, but was lost for centuries and only rediscovered in the 17th century. We have no way of knowing if it was a work of fiction or a legend of a real person.

    On the one hand, fiction seems to be generally a modern invention - most oral poems from ancient times are depictions of supposedly real events, and Beowulf makes reference to many real events, though they are greatly elaborated as they are retold over generations. So that would suggest that it is based on some real King.  

    On the other hand, Beowulf is pretty much unique in being the only example of Anglo-Saxon oral poetry to be recorded, so they might have had a different culture, where fictional stories were invented by bards and poets.  

    There is no way to say for sure at this point if he was real or not.

  4. Exactly as depicted in the tale, probably not.  But he might be based on an actual person who lived at one time.

  5. Most people would say no, that he is more of a legend. Some characters in the epic were real though, like the king of his land, Higlac I believe. He was based on a real ruler of the time. Beowulf himself was made up to symbolize the epitome of courage and honor. He was made up in an epic poem that spread orally until someone finally wrote it down. The author is unknown.

  6. He was! He was a great hero that fought in many wars. The legends told made him seem more important and stronger. The only thing is that he was just a mortal man that never fought any monsters.  

  7. The person? I believe so. The legend? I doubt it.  

  8. Excellent answer LunaCity. I couldn't have stated it better myself.

  9. Based on my educated opinion Beowulf was a giant just as Gilgamesh the race that was mentioned in Sumerian,Greek, Egyptian folklore as well as the bible Genesis 6.

  10. yes he was many many years ago

  11. The legend of Beowolf isnt real, however the man was probably real.

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