
Was Bill O'Reilly upset when Fox News called Obama's wife his "baby mama"?

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He sure got upset tonight when MSNBC poked fun at Palin, McCain's new VP candidate.




  1. you know how it is. They're given the talking points and it's set up. the fair and balanced way.  why even ask, ya know. I switch back and forth from both stations just to have a laugh.

  2. "Bill acts like he is independent."

    You're going to have to explain THAT one.

    Bill O'Reilly hand-selects liberals to come on his show that are too weak not to take his ad hominem bait or are so extreme that most progressives would be appalled by them.  That way, the entertained audience will conclude that this is a representative liberal, and the problem Bill claims is genuine and widespread.  The audience will conclude that this is what liberals in general are like.

    In the end, it's really just a gullibility test of the audience.  Do you know why Bill doesn't mention Keith Olbermann on his show, but mentions him only obliquely as "MSNBC" or "NBC"?  Because they're on at the same time, and he doesn't want to lose viewers to Keith, who polices Bill's show on a regular basis.  Keith's numbers are going up while Bill's are going down, and Bill doesn't want to put specific ideas in his viewers' heads on what program to switch to.

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