
Was Bob Lazar serious?

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Do you think Bob Lazar was telling the truth about UFO's being at Area 51. I'm not a freak that believes anything I'm told but I think I want to believe what he said. Also what about the others that have come around and told crazy stories about new world order conspiracy's. I personally don't believe the new world order conspiracy's but was Bob Lazar telling the truth?

I am a huge fan of area 51 and looking in to that kinda stuff, so if anyone has like any type of club online that researches about area 51, please tell me. My friends call me a nerd but I am just interested about what might be going on there.




  1. no one really knows but this site has a lot of stuff related.  

  2. Bob Lazar is a frigging nut.  No UFOs at Area 51, just a bunch of secret military c**p.

  3. Try the website  They have a lot of neat and interesting stuff to read!

    Also try searching Google for the author Doug Yurchey and his article: 'UFO secrets of John Lear' which includes some things about Bob Lazar in the introduction

  4. I doubt his story, if he was as smart as he claims he would just have made an anti-gravity device and held a press conference.

    You want creepy conspiracy do a little research on a guy called Gary McKinnon, he hacked the main computers looking for this same stuff and claims he found it.  As a reward, he is likely never to see daylight.
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