
Was Bruce Ivins murdered?

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After all, the Senators who received anthrax letters were known opponents of the PATRIOT Act. And the reaction to the Attack on tabloid publisher American Media was widely considered in Press circles to be a warning from the Administration that next time it could be the New York Times or the Washington Post. The speed with which White House staffers blew Valerie Wilson's cover after hubby Joe Wilson reached a conclusion on the "Yellowcake" scam tends to support that theory.

Up until recently, the investigation centered on scientist Steven Hatfill. After 6 years of harassment--which included running over his foot with a surveillance car--the Govt settled with Hatfill for $5.8 million this June.

Then the investigation turned to Ivins. Was his "suicide" actually a murder to keep him from testifying? Or possibly to close the case before more evidence came to light?

Or was it really a guilty conscience?




  1. Whichever, suicide or murder, it seems a good thing all around that he's not walking the earth any more.

    Read about his past history and you'll understand why it's good that he's gone.

    ~~ apparently people are unaware of his background, or else they're just morons who give thumbs down.

  2. Bruce Willis was murdered?


  3. I agree with the above answerer, even at the risk of some jerk giving thumbs down to me also.

  4. The more I look into this, the fishier looks.  When he died the new articles were saying that neighbors were shocked because they all thought he was the nicest guy, co-workers really liked him, family guy who attended church, etc.  Then yesterday articles began saying that he was a known psycopath based on this:

    Isn't it odd that someone who has gone through some of the most stringent background checks in existence was a known psyco?  He would never have obtained a high level security clearance if that were true.  Secondly, why would his psychiatrist divulge that info?  Patient client relationship?  Lastly, look when this all started, it was less than a month before his death.  Funny, nice guy goes psyco just a few days before his alleged suicide after years of being totally normal.  Sounds like a last minute smear campaign to me.

    As of today the new reports are now saying that he was a crazed murderer who wanted to kill all his coworkers.  I read in one article that he bought a gun and bullet proof vest last week which he was going to use on a shooting spree at his work.  And we know that how?  Sounds like he feared for his life and wanted to protect himself.

    Why would someone want him dead?  I don't know, maybe he knew too much.  Whatever the reason, look into it yourself and look at the actual sources of info, not what the media reports.  I have followed this investigation since 2001 and this looks way beyond suspicious to me.  Nobody even knew this guys name until last week, it used to be all about Hatfill.  Now this guy dies and suddenly case is going to be closed.  Anyway, that's just my 2 cents.

  5. He was working on an Anthrax antidote when he mailed out the letters. Like the fireman who starts a fire to be the hero at the last minute, Ivins wasn't able to be the hero.

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