
Was Bush and his Oil Company executive experience why you voted for him?

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I mean it's all starting to make sense. I get it! Vote for those who have executive experience in the Energy industry and watch over the last 8 years as our gas prices have soared, and our economy has been trashed.

Lincoln = No executive experience.

JFK = No executive experience.

Palin/Bush = Energy executive experience.

HAHA. At least bushy had an masters in Business and his daddy got him into a reputable school. This psycho creationist lady Palin has a communications degree from the U of Idaho. WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

So, if you're on of the ones claiming Sarah's exec experience is sooo important to you let's hear this how you vote for people? executive experience? And how do you think thats working out for you?

Obama/Biden 08




  1. WOW!! If these symptoms continue you should defiantly see someone

  2. Drill Now in my backyard (Pacific Ocean).  Its the only way we can allow our oil companies to take our money and put it in their pockets.  You might as well give them the authority to start a war.

    OIL RULES! We are Fools!

  3. I think that most demacrats complain way to much

  4. Nice photoshopped pic lady.

  5. If you feel so strongly  about the oil industry I hope you do not have any mutual funds because most invest in the oil industry. I also hope that you do not have any individual stocks from the oil industry.  

  6. I want to hear it, too!!!

    SO WHAT'S UP????

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