
Was Bush really as bad as you say?

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Granted, things have not been great as of late. But with that in mind I ask you this. Concidering it takes 2 quarters of negative growth to be in a recession (we haven't had one yet), everyone voted for the war in Iraq (except for Obama who said he was against it but wasn't even in Congress yet), we havent had an attack on our soil, gas prices skyrocketed after the libs took the senate, war in Iraq is winding down and stabalizing. Many things have happened to our country since Dubya took office. Can you really say he is the worst prez we have had even though he has had to deal with 9-11, Katrina, imerging oil consumption of China, WMD potential in North Korea, Iraq Iran and other things I am sure i am leaving out?




  1. Yes.  Things are not only "not great", they are the worst I have ever seen.  

    1) We are in a war that was unjustified.  There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and they had nothing to do with the terrorist attack or Al Qaeda.  "Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."  Per the Downing Street memo.

    2) We have gone from being one of the most respected nations in the world to being one of the most hated nations.

    3) We went from having a budget surplus for the first time in about a century when Clinton left office, to having a massive deficit.

    4) People are losing their homes at an unprecedented rate, while the CEO of Freddie Mac is making almost $20 million a year.

    5) We are outsourcing our jobs to China, who in return is sending us poison medicine, pet foods, and toys.

    6) All the controls have been taken off the credit companies, so they have no limits on their predatory lending practices.

    7) The oil barons are in control, and we are paying astoundingly high prices for gas, while still subsidizing the oil companies who have admitted that they are making record profits.  This is also driving up prices of food and everything else.

    8)  Bush simply abandoned the search for Osama bin Laden and pretended that attacking Iraq was somehow related to the war on terrorism.

    A.  Everyone did not vote for the war in Iraq.

    Friday, October 11, 2002 Posted:  

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- In a major victory for the White House, the Senate early Friday voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions.

    Hours earlier, the House approved an identical resolution, 296-133.

    B.  We HAVE had an attack on our soil, or do you consider the World Trade Center destruction a garden party?  This was after Bush had been in office for 8 months.

    C.  Gas prices skyrocketed before we got a slight Democratic majority in the Senate, and they have continued after.  However, Bush and Cheney are the main oil men in government.  Cheney left Halliburton to become Vice President and, Surprise!  Halliburton was given the contract on Iraq's oil fields without allowing any other companies to bid on it.

    D.  We hadn't had any problems with North Korea, Iraq, or Iran for years until Bush went after them.

    E.  Recession?

    "I believe the U.S. economy is now in recession," Martin Feldstein, president of the National Bureau of Economic Research, told the Futures Industry Association conference in Boca Raton, Florida. "Could this become the worst recession we have seen in the post-war period? I think the answer is yes."

    If this isn't a recession, I would sure hate to experience one.

    F.  Hurricane Katrina

    "As the storm clouds gathered, was President Bush once again asleep at the wheel?

    A consistent theme in today's political and economic coverage is that Bush's failure to recognize the severity of the ongoing financial crisis and act accordingly is reminiscent of his disastrously slow and inept response to Hurricane Katrina."

    I'm sure I have left some things out, but I can say unequivocally that Dubya has been our worst president that I know of.

  2. WORSE.

    I have never voted for him, but even I did not see that bush was TRATOR enough to allow the USA to be attacked and Americans to be murdered, yet he did just that on 9/11.

  3. No he isn't

    The media acts like he's the next Hitler.

    He's actually going to go down as one of the best Presidents in history.The stupid liberals should let history judge him not some stupid poll numbers or CNN/ny times.

  4. Finally, someone hasn't just jumped on the Barack Obama band wagon cause Bush went to war. War was absolutly neccesary at the time because terrorists were basically taking over the middle-east. Had they would have gotten Afganistan and Iraq in full control and given Iran enough time to develope nuclear threats, countries like Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, and Israel would have been wiped out instantly. When Nancy and the dems took over senate in 06 gas was on average $2.25. Now they average $4.05. They don't allow us to drill or use nuclear (our 2 most needed energy supplies). They don't want the U.S. to develope at the rate of other European/Asian countries. As for Bush, it is a shame all this happened to him (espiacially 9/11, when he had only been in office for like 8 months). Had an attack occured during the Clinton administration, the dems would be under fire right now instead of the republicans. I will admit however that he did make mistakes and took a lot of time to get certain things down but he did lower taxes and increase country defense (we haven't had a Taliban/Al-Quida attack in this country since 9/11 thanks to Bush).

    Most democratic plans and programs are to be blamed for our poor economic state. Welfare, too many credit loans, and social secruity have put this country into trillions of dollars in debt (in which we have to print more money and hence weakening our dollar). Bush could have done better when he had a republican congress/senate, but whatever is happening, most of it isn't his fault.

    Brandon is absolutly right, Jimmy Carter is the worst president in history. Is is the one who indirectly gave the terrorists/Saddam Hussien the weapons they use today to kill our soldiers. It is really sad we are still paying for his mistakes 30 years later.

  5. first of all, there is "potential WMD's in tons of other countries"  as far as Iraq goes, there was never any evidence of WMD's there.  The thousands dead in Iraq seems to have escaped your mind, whether or not you recognize it, the current economic downturn, the terrorist attacks on our citizens on foreign soil (Bush is single-handedly responsible for these  because he sent our trooops over there), Osama still being missing (you can say Clinton should have caught him too, but during Clinton's term, Osama was just a threat, not an actual source of violence).  The tax cuts which are ridiculous and need no explanation.  The deficit is also unacceptable.  And the fact that he isn't impeached yet, seeing as his lies are worse than Clinton's

  6. no.........hes done his best, which is good enough for me...

  7. People always think the current president is the worse.  I can remember people saying how Clinton was awful and a thief, liar, embarassment, and so forth. Bottom line is that the president isn't a king. Congress rules overall. Bush is just like the CEO of a company...the fall guy. People just love to complain. Under bush things have improved and we are a safe country. Carter was the worst president in my opinion(excluding Habitat for Humanity..that was good). Our goverment plays partisan politics and wont vote what they believe only what will get them re elected (flip-floppers). Im an independent and I voted for bush twice and have no regrets. Gore sucked and still does, and Kerry was a wuss who could decide what he wanted to do. All your points are correct. Next year they will be saying Obama or McCain is the worst ever and that will continue. BTW the Dems are in contro of congress and things have got worse since they took over.

  8. yes

  9. BUSH SUCKS!!!!

    OBAMA '08!!!!!!!!

  10. You minimizing gigantic disasters in your question is ridiculous.

    Bush is the worst, criminal president in the history of this country, but to be fair, this democratic congress equals his criminality and incompetence

  11. Life's been good for me. The only real complaint I have about the Shrub is that he's a damned Yankee, and living here. He needs to go back to Connecticut where he belongs.

  12. With respect to economic growth, we wouldn't be in recesion if we weren't spending a billion dollars a week in Iraq.

    With respect to our reaction to 9-11, two things: first BUSH WAS PRESIDENT AT THE TIME, second, Iraq didn't do it!

  13. No! rather have never witness a run that has over shadow print for certain holes he has covered > Remember it takes only the finest men to change history lessons. At Least not only he has let us see where America is heading whilst still critics thinks historians will NOT shower him with grace. One part of his Leadership is making certain groups realized that the world itself is in a peace rather whoever the charlatan instigate and spark distraction will be remove from their public duties not to continue flaming their citizens; that if you don't join us we will hunt you down rather naive I leave for investors to fib a metaphor that he has taken America out of global contribution for peace to be sign. The only gesture will be not finish realistic talks with Iran to leave Israel in tactics rather I don't don't doubt Obama diplomacy to sit and listen to chastised it for America Benefits as Afghanistan is the only obstacle with bad perfume.

  14. Yes he is.... can't wait to see him out of office.....

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