
Was Bush trying to be divisive in his speech last night (AIRED) at the RNC?

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When Bush said the "angry left" must not be allowed power, Is he trying to split the country?

The DNC was most about unity and just attacking McCain.

I feel like MY president was flipping me off, not the first time, but still.




  1. The "angry left" seperated themselves.

    Every time they have called the President names, especially a n**i, every time they say he stole the 2000 election, every time he's been called the worst President in history and we're still here in the present, seperates this nation.  It's not that you disagree, it's the level of vitriol that has been used to demonstrate it.

  2. The Democratic National Convention was replete with attacks on McCain as he and George Bush were the same man. It seems that if it is a visceral attack made by a Democrat, it is a case for change and fighting for the country and if the same visceral attack is made by a Republican it is called a visceral attack.  

  3. I suppose he can say what he likes. Most of us wipe our collective you-know-whats with his words.

    What p*ssed me off is that he made this speech from the White House. That kind of thing belongs in Crawford.

  4. Was there any other way for him to be. He's a devider not a uniter.

  5. Yes, Phony until the very end.

  6. I know who he means. They are alive and well here at Y/A. :o)

  7. Yes, how dare President Bush address the Americans as "Angry Left", just because under his Administration, American has: high unemployment, millions of home foreclosures; War in Iraq and Afghanistan costing billions borrowed from China; immigration problems; jobs outsourced; and a national debt caused by his own actions.

  8. Yes, I noticed the same thing. I was pretty pissed off about it. I thought he was just stupid but last night his speech proved he's also a complete ******.

    Clearly he's pissed because he will go down in history as the worst president in a hundred years, maybe ever.

    Don't forget to vote in November.

  9. I didn't see it, I fell asleep watching the RNC.

  10. Haven't you heard?  He's a uniter not a divider.

  11. To the contrary, he was trying to unite the country against the angry left.

  12. Look at your picture. You LOOK like the angry left. Take a pill.

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