
Was Churchill as big a lying, war-mongoring, drunken, war-criminal as I have read in some recent books?

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Was Churchill as big a lying, war-mongoring, drunken, war-criminal as I have read in some recent books?




  1. Well he certainly liked his drink - as do many people. No, he was no a war-monger - he merely tried to warn of the n**i threat when most politicians were 'appeasers' trying to contain Hitler by diplomacy. And no, he was not a war criminal. His decisions were taken necessarily in pursuit of a victory of freedom over oppression and tyrannical dictatorship.

  2. Which books are you reading?

    I've read books that say he was the saviour of Britain.

    I'd suggest he was somewhere in between these two extremes.

  3. I would suggest that you change the books that you read.  He was no saint, but he was no liar or war criminal nor a war monger.  He was big, literally and he got on the turps a fair bit , but better that than teetotaller Corporal Hitler.

  4. Mein Kampf, was it?

  5. To be honest, he was fortunate to be on the winning side of the war.  Objectively speaking he was a racist, arrogant drunk who thought his country had the right to decide who was free and what freedom meant.

    Unfortunately, many of his countrymen have yet to face this reality and the result is the England we see today.  No empire, soon no more GB, and maybe even no more Englishmen at this rate.

    Churchill was a racist as Hitler.  He hide behind his drink rather than act on it as Hitler did.  Anyone who has read Churchill's own words in relation to natives in overseas colonies would see the "freedom" this man spoke about.

    As for his war-mongering and war criminality there were obviously worse at the time but he nevertheless took full advantage of the conflict to try to increase the pocket books of his friends and instill punishment on innocent German civilians.

    His plan to attack Norway was a complete fiasco, his ability to defend Poland was minimal, and the only thing he was good at was making speeches and begging America to save the day, yet again.  In the end he surrendered the lands East of Germany to the Communist Soviets so I cannot see where the freedom part and democracy come in?!

    He should have been permanently dismissed afer Gallipoli 25 years earlier.

  6. Are these your words or, did you actually read them in a book ? name it please.

            Churchill was a lesser political rival in England, he was unfortunate enough to be there when the Germans attacked. Churchill kept the English peoples spirits high during the most troubling years they could endue.

              He became their mentor, their leader and hero.

  7. with your simplistic view of reality who can say?

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