
Was Cindy McCain a little drunk during her speech last night?

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She slurred a few words and seemed to talk rather slowly.




  1. She was elegant, bright and articulate. Last night was the first "speech" she has ever given and she was probably a bit nervous!

  2. Her eyes kept closing and she was swaying back and forth as well.  I've heard her speak before and she never sounded like last night.  Was very strange.

  3. Don't know, I was watching big brother 10.

  4. Why don't you people find something legit to b*tch about.

  5. Yes, and Barry is on meth because he is so excited and speaks fast.

    Thanks for the chuckle Mr. Sarcastic Black Man! Happy Friday.

  6. Here we go with the slander and accusations.

  7. No more than Michelle was cracked out during her speech. Go back to the comics section sarcastic black man.

  8. she probably was.those rep. love the booze and coke ya know. look at bush.perfect example.

  9. I'm not for McCain

    But why didn't they make Cindy the Presidental candidate, I was impressed,  she was more creditable and better speaker than  John & Palin put together!.

  10. Her eyes just SHONE.  Let's assume it was LIFE she was high on....

  11. I was too drunk myself to notice.

  12. LOL!! perhaps.

    Maybe she stole some beer from one of her warehouses!!

  13. i love cindy but she seemed to be high, i agree. my grandmother and i were just saying that this morning, lol.

    but you have to give her props though. this was her first major speech and she isn't a person that enjoys being in the spotlight. she is really classy and i love that about her.

  14. You seem to be an expert so you can judge others so well.

  15. No she was not.

    Why did Barack Obama not salute when the National Anthem was played?

    Two can play at the same game, sparky

  16. I was guessing she doubled up her Xanax.

  17. I don't know. Can you prove she was?That has to be a tense situation to be placed in. I would slur a few words too, maybe more.

  18. No.  I think it was pretty clear that she had just taken an extra xanax.  Watching her and Laura Bush is like watching robots on parade.

  19. that was so the dems could keep up

  20. Jeez, she's an exemplary person and that's all you can come up with?  It was her first BIG speech, I'd like to see you out  there in front of millions of people describing YOUR life, what a joke!

    go youtube Biden now HE is the colossal drunk, then go to

  21. It was a big of a speech in front of lots of folks.....maybe she was nervous? hmmmm

    I know if I had to speak in public, reading a teleprompter I would likely choke. However if I were just talking from the heart I would do better.

  22. she wants to be a dem, so she has to drink a bit to spew the lies for her wayward hubby.

    poor cindy.

  23. She did have a stroke.

  24. No I was with her all night

  25. She was probably a little nervous, but as to the slowness of her speaking........So people like you could understand what she was saying.  

  26. Are you kidding me?? She was trashed.

    Did you see her drunken glaze everytime that they showed her on television.

    All me and my friends kept hoping and praying for was for Cindy McCain to go down on Sarah Palin.  Two hot old broads hooking up would have been the best television ever.  

  27. Probably not.

    Bush slurs his words all the time and no one believes that he is drunk.

  28. I am not voting for McCain... but I will say I was surprised that Cindy did ok with her speech.  She wasn't drunk, she seems that way all the time, maybe its caused from her past drug addiction. I am sure she is nice though.

  29. You used five yahoo answers points to ask this stupid question?

  30. No

    I was wonder when doing the running for president did Obama give up doing crack?

    Slander is not the way to win over the hearts and minds of people.  

  31. Hi there, Obama supporter!

    I think she presented herself beautifully and she looked fantastic.

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