
Was Diana Princess of Wales murdered or was it an accident?

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I thought right from day one that she was murdered. Very strange goings on I reckon. What do you think?




  1. Prince Philip murdered her.

  2. It was an accident....always has been an accident and always will be an accident.

    This question is asked frequently in this section and it's a bit like politics and religion....some of us have strong opinions!

    best of luck to you!

  3. personally i think it was murder (or should the term be assasination?).  there are way too many unanswered questions and eyewitness accounts which point to this.

    it is a shame because she was the most loved royal, but i am glad to see that wills is taking after his mother and not his heartless father


  5. I have no idea,I wasn't there.I will wait untill the circus ends and try to make a decision then.

  6. An accident, the driver was drinking & the people trying to catch them to snap picture's made it happen.

  7. It was an accident.

  8. Murdered

    -SS (:-Smiling Star-:)

  9. Hello,

    An accident. Thus is the fate of many who get in the car with a drunk driver who is speeding too fast for conditions.

    Her personal body guard should have been more on the ball and kept an eye on things.

    That said, there are more sophisticated ways of getting rid of a person and in that dinner and night on the town, an assassin would not have known about her scheduals that evening, what time she was leaving or how fast her chauffer would be going.

    Michael Kelly

  10. If you were planning to "stage" an accident involving a person, but you loved their children, you would want to make sure you were right there with the children to soften the blow when they heard the news, and to make sure the kids were not with the person when the accident occurred.

    At the exact moment of the crash, William and Harry were with the queen, et al.

    When I heard where the children were, I had my suspicions.

  11. check out these fact and all


  12. i say murder.

  13. was, and STILL is tradigic.  I guess it if were an accident it would be as bad as it having been a murder..either way it su(k$...

    my mom thinks it was  a murder, i mainly thik its a murder, but i havent made my mind up..i was like six when it happened, and i remember my mom being awake at like 3am watching her funeral on TV...

    no matter what, i feel that everyone should agree that Diana Princess of Wales' death was a terrible thing, be it murder, or an accident.

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