
Was Eva Braun aware of Hilter's atrocities?

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If so, what did she see in him?




  1. Hitler's longtime friend Albert Speer was once quoted as saying, "Eva Braun will be a great disappointment to historians."

    He may well have been right. Eva Braun came to Hitler's notice when she was working as a photographer's model in the studio of ardent n**i Heinrich Hoffman. People who knew her then said that she was young, vain, and spent her free time reading trashy romance novels. By all accounts, Eva Braun was a frivolous woman who was interested in living the good life, and was happy to do so on Hitler's dime.

    Braun's political influence on Hitler was at best minimal. She was never allowed to stay in the room when business or political conversations took place. Of course, she had to be aware of at least some of the details concerning the Third Reich's inner workings--even those who were not connected knew of what was happening. Still, Hitler preferred that she lead a sheltered and privileged existence and took pains to see that she did so. Reports from her friends say that she seemed uninterested in politics.

    As to what she saw in Hitler, we may never know. However, in 1932--and again in 1935--Eva Braun attempted suicide; the first time by shooting herself (in the neck), the second time by an overdose of sleeping pills. When you conisder that Hitler's first love, Geli Raubal, died by suicide, you must believe that being the object of Hitler's affections had to be turbulent at best. She may well have decided that it was better to be his lover than to be his enemy. The latter always ended up dead, in horrific ways.

  2. Watch "Downfall", Im fairly certain she was unaware of exactly what went on in the camps. She probobly knew undesirables lived in h**l but didn't know they were being systematically rolled into ovens. He was in her mind the leader who was always right.

  3. Another angle: did Hitler commit those attrocities himself? No, he merely ordered them. Not even that. He set the policy making it possible. Remember that most of the worst SSers were warm fathers and loving husbands.

    The farther one is removed from the atrocity, the easier it gets to justify it.

  4. What did she see in him? Who knows, but as an ardent coprophagiac, Hitler saw a lot in her including the peristaltic workings of her lower bowel as she defecated on his face.

    A very sorry individual, a pathetic little corporal in need of humiliation-the real Mr Shicklegrubber was a very disturbed person in private.

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