
Was Foxnews deliberately misleading with this headline?

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"Report: NASA Distorted Global-Warming Studies"

No, NASA didn't exaggerate global warming, although you have to read the article carefully to realize that. The article in the Houston Chronicle is clearer:

"Political appointees at NASA headquarters deliberately downplayed scientific evidence documenting global warming for political reasons"




  1. Fuxnews is for morons.

  2. Yes.  They count on the masses not to inquire further than the headline.  If they were honest, the line would have read:

    "Report: NASA Downplayed Evidence in Global-Warming Studies."

  3. The headline describes exactly what happened

    It sounds like you have a bias against Fox News, and automatically assumed it meant the opposite of what it actually did.

  4. Fox News is evil.  

    They're quite content to advocate harmful policies, prominently featuring an ex tobacco industry lobbyist who will tell you that we should use DDT in the U.S. (it's legal and under local jurisdiction elsewhere, so the bizarre resurgence of a false debate is bring it back in the U.S., no matter what feel-god logic they use), they want us to our kids to absorb more mercury by making coal power plant emissions dirtier (it doesn't give them that all much brain damage they would claim), and they want us all to breathe second hand smoke, even people who have no choice such as working in bars, because they dispute that it causes cancer (which is irrelevant if you still end up with black, tar-coated and dysfunctional lungs as a result).  s***w you too Fox.

    I refuse to watch any Fox channels.  They're not profiting from me by promoting false controversies to boost ratings and ad revenue.  I can't believe any company has the gall to advertise there.

    Boycott Fox.  Or enjoy your mercury, DDT, tar cocktail, courtesy of their propagation of deliberate misinformation.

  5. They used the word "distorted".  If someone chooses to assume that distorted means "exaggerated" without reading further then I guess it is misleading, but that's why you should read the whole article not just the headline.

  6. Fox News is consistently wrong on global warming:

  7. CNN likewise distorted some news. I can only assume its because of political reasons.

  8. Bob,

    they are the kings of mass distortion.

  9. of course they did... and it got you to read it right? its called news

  10. Foxnews screws up a lot of things. I think they put too much of their own opinions in the news also. Even if it wasn't deliberate, Foxnews might have it wrong on accident.

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