
Was Giuliani's speech last night lies?

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just read this quote from Giuliani's speech last night.

"And I believe, ladies and gentlemen, when they [Deomcratic Party] gave up on Iraq, they had given up on America."


tell me how that makes sense.

1. No matter what they say, the surge is not working. Sure violence is down, but Iraq is not living up to it's end of the deal.

2. Iraq has made it clear they want us out of there. More than once might i add.

3. A lot of people in a poll oppose the Iraq war.


How is realizing a war is a lost cause giving up on America?

Obama-Biden 08!




  1. Your statements are a lie.

    The surge is working

    2 we have a deal to come out of Iraq by 2011.

    3 most people are against wars, but when your in one, you sujre dont want to loose.

    giving up on your troops ability is surrendering. looking is not something you want to do your enemies. Were fighting terrorist in Iraq, and not Iraquians.

    McCain Palion 08, and 12

  2. The surge did work get your head out of the sand and smell the roses.  

  3. The Democraps HAVE given up on America!!!  Did you not watch their convention last week?  From the way they were talking, the US is a pile of c**p third world country!  

  4. Well, you're all over the place on this one, but I will try:

    No, since you did not give one example of Rudy Giuliani lying, I must say that no, his speech was not lies.

    The vast majority of Democrats DID give up on Iraq when their leaders declared it was a lost war and that the US military could never prevail.

    The surge is not only "working", it has "worked."

    Of course, most Iraqis have lived their whole lives under military rule of someone whom they do not consider one of themselves.  It is only natural to want to be in control of your own destiny.  It is the US military that has given them this ability.

    A lot of people in a poll oppose the Iraq war?  A lot of people in a poll also oppose the right of women to vote.  Your point is...?

    As for your final "point", realizing that America has lost a war is about the most incredible example of giving up on America.  I'm not sure how to further explain this to you.

  5. Is he a republican?  If so the answer has to be yes.

  6. Typical GOP rhetoric.  They just hope that their party doesn't go look at the facts.

  7. Read the rest of your polls.

    Most Americans now, after the surge, now feel we are winning the war and most feel we can now, after the surge, win the war.

    And Rudy's comments are his opinion.

  8. Sorry, but the surge is working.  Where are you getting your information from, the Dems?

    And the Iraqi's are taking over some of the most dangerous parts of Iraq.  That is real progress.

    Time to give credit where credit is due.

  9. Ask his second, or is it third, wife if he is a liar.  

    I've lost count.

  10. We should never have gone to Iraq in the first place.... So keeping up with Bush's mistake - spending billions of $$$ losing many lives is not worth it.

    By leaving, you are not losing a war, you are realizing you have no business in Iraq and are going home...or back to where you should have never left...what's that other know the one we were originally at war with for 911? ahaha....  some poor people are SUCKERS and they will believe what they are told is the "right thing to do"....

    and remember - God doesnt care if you wear red or blue...

  11. Pretty much everything the GOP says or does is untruthful.  Vote Libertarian, the real Republicans!

    The former HEAD OF THE CIA'S OSAMA BIN LADEN UNIT, Michael Scheur:

    “I think both of them (McCain and Obama) are equally unable to cope with the threat represented by Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the Islamists. They really don’t have a clue about what this war is about. Mr. McCain is very confident, but he’s clueless. Mr. Obama is equally clueless. They continue to tell Americans these people are Islamo-fascists, and they hate us because of our freedoms and they hate us for our liberties.

    What they hate us for is the unusually virulent strain of obsessive compulsive disorder that’s present in the American governing class, and that’s called interventionism. That’s what the cause of this war is. And neither Mr. McCain, nor Mr. Obama, nor Mrs. Clinton, nor any of the rest of them who are in the campaign—except Mr. Paul, Mr. Kucinich perhaps—had that idea.”

  12. You can't go into Iraq and Afghanistan, tear down their government, set up a shoddy flawed one, then leave. Obama will only leave Iraq early, drive our economy even farther down due to post-war depression, and then end up sending troops back to the middle east once we are attacked again by Al Qaeda. You Obamanots need to stop with your stupid rants on here, you don't have a question, so don't post here.

    1. The surge is obviously working, as you said violence is down, and Iraq has a deal for us to be out by 2012, but there isn't much their government can do.

    2. They have never said they want us out, only the Iranian leaders have.

    3. Alot of people opposed WWI, WWII, Korea, and VIetnam. So what? Most people who vote don't know the first thing about the war.

    I think going to Iraq in the first place was a big mistake, but now that we're there we can't just leave.

  13. You are absolutely wrong in saying the surge is not working. We're handing Anbar province over to the Iraqis and that was once given up to Al Qeada. And the fact that Iraq is taking more responsibility for itself is evidence it's living up to its end of the deal.

    It's this kind of blindness and refusal to face reality that makes liberals such a laughing stock. But then again, liberals have only ever been good at surrendering. I suppose the concept of victory makes them a little queasy.  

  14. Guliani's speech wasn't the greatest.

  15. 1. We just handed over part of the country to Iraqi forces. Iraq is doing there part.

    2. Iraq has made it clear they want us out by 2010. It's only 2008.

    3. Real leaders don't follow polls. Democrats do.

    When war is declared the country should be behind it. Vietnam was the first time this was not the case and see how well it turned out. Embolden the enemy with talk of surrender and you only prolong the war and the deaths. Why is it so hard for dems to comprehend this!

  16. Yes it was.

    But what do you expect from a Lieberal like Rudy.

  17. Mccain says "I would rathrer loose an election than loose a war" That just goes to show where his mind set is. All these young people that are brainwashed and support him will find out that if he gets elected that he will enact the draft again. And take it from some one who knows you dont want to get drafted I was drafted during Vietnam. You have no say on where you go. On that point alone I would think people would be against him. On the other hand he is in his 70s and not in the best of healthIf something happened would the people feel comfortable with Sarah  Phalin as President? Hillary yes Sarah No.

  18. Silly Liberal

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