
Was Gore's Nobel given in the peace category because any "science" behind man made gloabl warming is made up?

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....So hence wouldn't qualify for any science-based Nobels?




  1. And so the 3000 other world-wide scientist co-winners were just making all the global warming stuff up right?

  2. no, actually the only scientists that have disagreed with him were the ones whose research was paid for by the oil industry.....

  3. Oh, wise one.  Thank goodness there are some of us out there that haven't drank the cool-aid!!   Al Gore's film is a slanted pack of half truths.  Take a look at the BBC's version if you really want the truth.  It's chock full of real scientists scratching their heads wondering how the entire world was sold on this.  They won't show it here, though, it makes us look pretty silly.  Look it up on youtube.

  4. Pretty sure the word "gloabl" is made up.  Yeah, the walruses and polar bears are in league with Al Gore and the scientists.  You can go back to sleep now.

  5. Oh right, I forgot. Global warming is a fraud perpetrated by the weather channel, right?

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