
Was Gov. Palin really McCain's choice for VP?

by Guest33719  |  earlier

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Did conservative scare him into the pick? Or did he have a pick during the Democratic convention and changed his mind at the last minute? What is goin' on in his head. I need some help on this one!




  1. Totally not his first pick.  He was pushed by the conservative base.  McCain is not a huge fan of women to begin with (see his record in the Senate for more info).  However, I do think he made this for political reasons - he thinks this will help him win.

    Total miscalculation if you ask me but no one did!

  2. h**l yeah better than that idiot Joe Biden.  

  3. Yes she is!  And honestly I think it's a smart move.  Governor Palin is a very smart woman, and an excellent choice for VP.  She has solved a lot of problems in Alaska (I would know because I live there) and is approved and highly respected by the majority of the people in the state.

  4. Unlike the Dem Candidate.. he has a backbone and can make up his own mind.. Of course it was his choice...

  5. He needed someone to show the Obama supporters that as a ticket, the Republicans have less experience than the Dems.

  6. I wondered if he had help for his choice.

    Seriously, I really wondered if he make his choice alone -- or if others helped him make his choice.

  7. I think it just proves that he really is senile.  

  8. i have no idea but i hope this is a joke.  

  9. Well McCain himself has admitted they've met once, possibly twice, before this.

    So I'm assuming that he had a lot of people whispering in his ear.

    I thought for sure it was Romney or the guy from Minnesota (blanking on the name).

  10. Yes,what is going on is he wants to win. And he just did. By By Obummer.

  11. The deed is done.

    Check the hillaryclintonforum website. They're already deciding to vote for McCain because of his choice.

    He saw that coming.

  12. Ol' Karl Rove laid down the law to McCain and Palin was actually Rove's pick.

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