
Was Guatemala really part of Mexico or were parts of Mexico Guatemalan?

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One of my best friends is from Guatemala. She says that parts of Mexico such as Chiapas were Guatemalan. Some of my Mexican friends though say it was the other way around that Guatemala was a state of Mexico but became independent later on...




  1. Before independence from Spain in 1821, Chiapas Mexico was ruled by the Captains General of Guatemala, who's territory stretched all the way to Panama.

  2. My mom is from Guatemala so i think not but Spain once owned west of the u.s and all of Florida and Central American and Mexico

  3. I think what your friend might have meant is that the yucatan peninsula was 'ethnically' more mayan/central american than mexican/aztec.  Not sure what time period you are referring to, but if you go back in time far enough, there was no such thing as mexico or guatemala.  Again, it depends on the context.

  4. Part of what Esteban says is true, but not all.  Chiapas and Soconusco were not another state or country or whatever, they were part of actual Central America (then Capitania de Guatemala), but in the late 1800s a document was signed buy Justo Rufino Barrios, giving to Mexico those lands in appreciation for the help Benito Juarez gave him on the Revolution.

    It seems that history changes fromo side to side of the border.

  5. During the colony, Nueva España had a big territory, including California, Texas and Central America. As it finished, independence war, a mexican general named Filisola, went to the south, and gave the fredoom to Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, because that was the wish of those people. Chiapas was also a free state whose people decided to become a part of the mexican republic in the half of XIX century.

  6. Your friend is right.  The entire Spanish holdings in the area consisted of Mexico AND Central America, and Antigua, Guatemala was the capital of this "new world" during the 1600-1700s.  This fine city was destroyed by en earthquake and floods during 1776 and the capital moved to Guatemala City.  In the early 1800's Mexico declared its independence and the Union of Central America did the same.  Later, they formed the countries that exist there today.

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