
Was Guilty until proven innocent?

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if i was charge with a crime but was found not guilty can that affect me from pursuing a career in nursing?




  1. i do not know what field of nursing you plan on going into but whichever it is i wish yo the best. i retired from that field and let me relate how i handled this problem. i was with a friend and she was arrested for a felony. well i was also charged but the charges dropped. on my review there is an automatic background check to date done. to my surprise it was on my record? i explained to my boss and was relieved of duty until i got it cleared. it took three months. but i cleared it from my record and my boss was understanding.  by all means check your own police background and if you have info which should not be have it removed immediately.

    also remember they will be in no rush to do this so get on it early and do not forget to follow up.

  2. Will have no effect whatsoever.

  3. It could.  If you and another person has exactly the same qualifications, but they were never arrested, they would probably be admitted into a program before you would.

    If you had multiple arrests, even without convictions that could be a problem.  If it involved child molestation, they would probably be very hesitant in allowing you in the program.

  4. Absolutely not.  You are innocent until proven guilty.  Therefore, you were never 'guilty' of anything.

  5. no not at all, and if it does you can seu them

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