
Was Helen Keller blind and deaf???

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how did she learn or have any form of comunication if she couldnt hear or see??




  1. Yes, she was deaf and blind, poor her.

  2. yes she was deaf and blind. Keller's remarkable teacher, Anne Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language. It is an incredible story and quite a miracle if you ask me.

  3. yes she was blind, deaf, and mute

  4. YES.

  5. read the book or watch the movie

  6. She Was blind and deaf but used sign language, vibrations and sound waves to communicate with the world... i think she grew up to be a well known speaker, err, something like that...

    her mentor was Anne Sullivan, who was partially blind...

    Watch the Miricale Worker... 's got the Hallie girl from the old Pepsi commercials... wonder what ever happened to her...

  7. Blind Deaf and Dumb, just like Tommy.

  8. Helen Keller was blind and deaf she had a teacher to help her learn sign language

  9. Rent the film "The Miracle Worker".

  10. She also did't speak

    try going here there is alot of info about her.

  11. Yes, she was.  Go do some research on the web.  You'll find out how she learned.

  12. yes she was both blind and deaf. she had a special teacher that taught her a type a sign language where she would feel the persons hands to know what they were saying.

  13. Yes she was blind and deaf. She had a teacher who taught her to sign by touch - the letters were spelled out using the fingers against the palm of the listeners hand.

  14. yes

  15. What did helen keller name her dog?


  16. Yes she was. Anne Sullivan taught her how to live a day to day life. She could "read" people lips by lightly placing her hand upon their lips and she could identify what they were saying by the movement. She also signed and people signed into the palm of her hand (the letter of the alphabet- she would cup her hand over theirs..) She could also write pretty legibly and I think she could speak as well. And of course she read braille. She was very intelligent and Anne Sullivan basically saved her life. You can read about it in "The Miracle Worker" a play or just rent the film.

    You can read more on wikipedia...

  17. she  was  the  first   deafblind  person  to  finish  college. She was not born blind and deaf; it was not until nineteen months of age that she came down with an illness described by doctors as "an acute congestion of the stomach and the brain", which could have possibly been scarlet fever or meningitis. I  dont  think  she  was  mute.

  18. Yes she was both

  19. signing with her hands. she had a good teacher. she wasnt always blind and deaf....

  20. Helen Keller was deaf, blind, and mute. She learned to communicate from her tutor who continued to try to get her to understand how to communicate. The teacher would take Helens hand and put an apple in it, and then use sign language to say apple. She would place Helens hand inside her hand so that Helen could feel what the sign looked like because she could not see. She continued to reinforce the words, until she finally understood. The first word Helen Keller understood was water. It is really a powerful story, and a great movie. You should definately see the movie if your interested.

  21. Im sorry what did you  say? I cant see your answer.

  22. Yes she was blind and deaf.  She had a destructive illness when whe was very little.  However, before she fell ill, she was able to see, speak, and hear.  She was only a few years old when it happened, but she did learn the basics that everyone learns when they're little: hot, cold, Mama, Dada, etc...

    Her parents were in a panic and totally lost as to what to do next when she became well again.  They went through tutor after tutor and eventually one was able to get through.  It took a lot of patience and trial and error, but she was able to learn once the boundaries between her world and the outside world were broken.  She became a great American figure.

    We need to remember that the minds of children are extremely resilliant and can do some amazing things when put to the test.  Hellen Keller's illness did not destroy her mind, it only silenced the outside and blocked out the light.  She could still smell, touch, and taste.  She had to overcome the blindness and deafness and use the senses she did have to learn.

  23. I think she was also mute.

  24. yea both ! she was just really intelligent and learned very well

  25. I think that she was blind and deaf.

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