
Was Hitler right in his claim?

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Was Hitler right in his assertion that dsoisua lkfdkls tetyr opaoo gty affsgs oeoiori vvcbc jjddh, und der square of 15 ist 225?




  1. No, Hitler was wrong on dsoisua. He talked a lot of egfasd, ergwwwefFF4815162342.

  2. no,hitler talked a right load of old 2ndhfi864j and stank of vndie49457 and took it up the fhwi750.

    what's more,he dfsdj5830 his sister and 198nbhed65msh goats in his spare time

    does that answer your question,ye great big kd876nfsge5ln0 ?

  3. HUH???? Go back to first grade and learn how to spell!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You are certainly the one that got away.

  5. WTF? spelling lousy, but maths adds up, so if that was one of his claims, I guess he wasn't completely wrong!

  6. you can't choose a best answer until the question has been live for four hours (i think that is the length of time)

    and as for whether hitler was right - in that case he was

    in many other areas he was very very wrong

  7. iwfeg 8920 agfnkooopp 39 aimvioq sd aitoowpye 15!!!

  8. yeh, square of 225 is correct.

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