
Was Hussein Obammy really against the surge, & claim it would never work, doesn't that show how naive he is?

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He was against the surge-- He said it wouldn't work-- He said more troops would not make a difference.

Barack Obama was wrong.

The surge did work- We are winning in Iraq.

Today, thanks to the United States of America, another country is free!

But, no thanks to St. Barack Obama or the Democratic Party.

The RNC released this powerful ad on flip-flopping and dishonest Barack Obama:

Barack Obama was wrong on Iraq.

Barack Obama was wrong on Iraq.

Barack Obama was wrong on Iraq.




  1. Whats more,like most leftist libs,he is disappointed that the surge and democracy in Iraq is a success.

  2. BO is such a phony.  His whole foreign policy skill is apparently being able to predict the future that Iraq would be difficult.  Yet, when he is wrong about the surge his amazing insight is not questioned.  Good job in pointing out his glaring mistake.  Harry Reid already declared defeat so it is hard for the Democraps to face the new reality there.

  3. "Another country is free???" Are you dense. Iraq is a complete quagmire. Even the current Iraqi government, which the US governent set up, wants us out of there. It is not a war, it is an occupation; and the Iraqi citizens/militants will fight us tooth and nail until we leave. There is no winning or losing. It's time to get out and leave Iraq to the Iraqis, with some help from the UN for reconstruction. It's like the freakin' Vietnam War all over again. I guess some people never learn.

    All you 'hawks can spout on and an about how the surge was successful, blah, blah, blah. What was it successful in accomplishing, dragging this mess out even longer? I'd like to hear your educated opinions as to why we're even still in Iraq. I bet you don't even know.

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