
Was Hussein able to convince Biden that murdering unborn & infanticide was the right thing to do?

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"Throughout my career, I've been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice, and have consistently had a 100% pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America."

Newly obtained documents prove that in 2003 Barack Obama, as chairman of an Illinois state Senate committee, voted down a bill to protect live-born survivors of abortion.

The bill was called The Born Alive Infants Protection Act.




  1. Obama is a baby killer and he is lying about it now.  I hope that this is brought up at the debates.  Obama believes if a baby is born alive from a botched abortion, he believes that the baby should be allowed to die.  Wow, what a compassionate person he is...BHO...the annointed one, the Messiah...the second coming of Jesus Christ..What a crock!  The guy is an empty suit with no moral compass and no ideals...He is a tool of the liberal radical left and will be told what to do...he is kind of like a Manchurian Candidate...(see the movie with Denzel Washington) and the original 1962 version with Lawrence Harvey and Frank Sinatra.  This view of baby killing in 3rd trimester, is a form of population control which the radical Socialists like Obama believe in.  We don't know a thing about this guy...they are keeping him under wraps because he is so radical in his beliefs.  I fear for my country if he becomes President.  

  2. Anyone that supports infanticide like Hussein does, should not be our president but should be in jail.

    Biden is just as bad.

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