
Was I Wrong for not letting my cousin watch spongebob

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Me and my family decided to have a reunion and they all came to my hometown, in New York City Manhattan, for a family reunion, but they stayed in different hotels. They came last week and they're staying here until late August. Yesterday, I had a day off from work and they all came over and stayed in my apartment for the whole day, we ate, talked together, and had a good time and partied, and I have so many aunts and uncles, and cousins, my youngest cousins are 14, 12, and 5. They wanted to watch TV and they wanted me to watch TV with them because I'm the best cousin they would ever have, I am only 25. They put on Nickelodeon and they watched Spongebob. I've heard of Spongebob before but I never really got to watch the whole episode. I was watching one episode of it, and sure enough, it was annoying as h**l, Spongebob and Patrick are irritating as c**p, I thought I was gonna lose it. After this is over, I turned the TV off, and said next time you want to watch TV, tell me what you wanna watch, because I'm not watching Spongebob anymore. He is annoying. Then Jared (14) punched me in the boob hard and said that I'm a ***** because I denied them of their freedom, and he said that it's his life and he can do what he wants. I told him you can watch spongebob, but not in my house because I don't like that show, the stupid sponge and his friend are annoying, and it teaches nothing. Then my youngest cousins all started to cry because I won't let them watch spongebob anymore, and now my family is mad at me because I don't allow them to watch spongebob in my house. Was I wrong for doing this? Should I apologize and let them watch spongebob in my house again?




  1. lol, you should be happy they like Spongebob and not something else.

    I have to sit and watch Max and Ruby, Blues Clues, Little Bill, Little Bear, Dora, Go Diego.  ughhhhhhh!!!  These shows are sooo boring.

    At least Spongebob can be a little entertaining for adults!


    BUT .... that kid was WRONG for hitting you because of it.  Did you tell your family about that?  If you REALLY don't want to watch it, tell your family "I'm sorry but, I think a child shouldn't get what they want when they hit or name call".

  2. Jared sounds like a selfish git. It's just a Tv show, not the end of the world. For the sake of not making a big deal did you really need to make a fuss about the show? And personally i like spongebob :)lol  

  3. No offense but I think you were the wrong one.

    You should have let them watch and when you cant stand it long enough leave the room.

  4. You should talk you your cousins parents about what he did but, let them watch it when you're not in the room.  

  5. Let them watch it. Not when your in the room though. You can also just listen to music on an ipod or something while their watching it. I always HATED that show but the rest of my family loved it. I just played on my laptop and listened to music while they were watching it. If it gets too annoying, make a deal with them and give them a schedule or something to when they can and cant watch it.

  6. No, it wasn't wrong of you to take a stand for what you want in your own home. Keep in mind your the adult and they are children and you say what gets to be watched on TV, not them. Maybe you can try to make it up to them by playing a game or going outside to play with them. You can make much more of a family expierance then watching TV by doing something fun and memmerable.

  7. Your house, Your Rules

  8. It's your house and your rules.  Your cousin should apologize for hitting you and calling you names.  Their parents should apologize for their own rude behavior (getting mad at you for setting rules) and get over it.  If it were me, I would not have raised the issue until the next time that Spongebob was requested and would have attempted to skirt around it by suggesting another show.  Then, if that failed, I would have simply stated "I do not like Spongebob and do not want it played in my house.  Please choose another show."  And repeated that until they chose another show to watch.

    Yes, your cousin is right that "It's his life" however, he cannot just do whatever he wants.  There are laws and rules.  In your house, he must follow your rules.  He must always obey the laws of the locality, state, and country that he is in.  Freedom is not absolute and it is best that he learns this soon.

  9. I think you should let them watch it, but not when you're in the room. Fair compromise.

  10. It's your house!!! They may like it i cnt stand it sometimesand others i tolerate it..lmao...but it hurts when peeps freakin' pinch ur b***s!!! he shouldnt have done that...but their parents shouldve stepped in and told them to calm down and behave.....hope this  makes you feel better!!! lol

  11. He shouldn't have hit you (obviously), but you should let them watch it when your not in the room. You should both apologize to each other. Him for hitting, you for not thinking things over and come to a compromise.

  12. Your WRONG Sponge Bob Square Pants ROCKS!!!!

    You don't know what your talking about.  

  13. u should allow them to watch if it bothers you just leave the freaking room  

  14. ok firstof all idk how u dont like spongebob but any way well i guess ur right ur house but u could find something else thateverybody likes to watch....and u

  15. that is weakness. and its YOUR house if it was thier house then you they could watch whatever. your house your rules. period. hope i helped byeas

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