
Was I crazy/wrong to leave him? I really don't think so?

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I left my husband because he was cheating with his ex. He now doesn't want to speak to me or his kids (he says this on the phone and I can hear his kids in the background - the kids he has with his ex). I think he is definitely back with his ex, but, I don't care about that. What I care about is that fact that I went through h**l with both him and his ex for years, trying to make him keep contact with her kids, pay support, get visitation, etc. and now he cuts my kids off? WTF? I'm pissed and think about killing him and her on a regular basis. That's why I left, the creeping around was just becoming blatant and he felt I should just deal with it. Help, advice...something please. Now, he's telling me I'm the one who's crazy.

51 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

36 minutes ago

Yes, these are his children, I am also pregnant with his child and he says he doesn't want to see the new baby either because I left him.

I just got so fed up one day that I took my kids and nothing else and went to stay with my best friend. I decided to stay gone, found a place and have been gone since.

He was very verbally abusive, physically to my child once and talked badly about me to his ex's when convenient. He even cursed me in front of his kids. I just got tired and realized he wasn't going to change (3 years later albeit). I was just so tired of his c**p. My kid never wanted to be alone with him anymore, he stopped helping around the house, wasn't working, but, wouldn't watch our baby for 6 hours so I could continue working. He would also lie, tell me he was going one place and when I'd call, he'd be at his ex's house (at 10pm at night, claiming to be visiting his kids).

Did I do something so wrong that he can cut my kids off?




  1. You didn't do anything wrong. You looked out for your interest. Your not going to help this a$$hole out and the only thing he can do is repay you with a slap in the face. s***w him. You did what was right for you. You see, that's why many of our women turn L*****n. Because the crapy guys out there. You need to live your life and find somebody else that's worth you and your kids time. Believe me, one day he'll come crawling back. And you know what you do? Kick him in the face and keep it moving. You deserve better. And if he doesn't come back that's better for you.

  2. no you did the right thing

    and by law he can not cut your kids off - he still has to pay child support

    you should make the b*****d pay

    get a lawyer

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