
Was I destined to live through unsuccessfully?

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A cable guy just came to pick up all our families cable boxes.We cant watch ANY Tv till the end of this month.So no more tv for me.Our internet is going to be shut off tomorrow till we pay the bill.That means I wont be able to do homework on the net.We barely even have any-money money to buy all our school supplies.We barely have any money at ALL.My life is tragic.What should I do now?




  1. Simple.  Life doesn't end without TV or the internet.

    Make use of other resources.  If you need to go online to do homework, use the library.  Instead of TV, use the time to do your homework or do some reading, get out of the house and get active, or run around with friends.

    By the way, you can always get an antenna and pick up TV over the air.

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