
Was I lucid dreaming?

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Well yesterday I listened to this I-Doser thing for 35 min. to induce a lucid dream and after I sat threw the whole thing I went to bed.Well while I was in bed my muscles began to tighten and I felt as if I was about to astral project instead of dream.Well my mind started getting all these thoughts and I felt as if I was lucid dreaming but,at the same time trying to reality check and the dream or vision went away but it still felt as if my soul was trying to leave my body.I know when your dreaming you can become astral but,I've never experienced it.When I woke up my body was aching.What do you think?and how to I have a lucid dream?Also when I felt as if I was astral projecting I kinda wanted to go but,could'nt.What do I do?




  1. Interesting.

    I think you definitely were on your way to lucid dreaming, for two reasons.

    1. If you were reality checking and it was waking you up, that is actually kind of a start. What I mean is that when you're lucid dreaming, you are conscious, but still in a dream. So next time, stop reality checking, go with the dream, but try to manipulate what happens in the dream as you are drifting off to sleep.

    2. feeling as if your soul is leaving your body is usually quite the experience. When you let yourself go, you could feel as if your flying, and that is sometimes considered lucid dreaming.

    Watch the movie, "Waking Life." It's real actors covered over by a cartoon type animation, and it's all about lucid dreaming.

  2. um what the first person said about "waking life" you need to watch it it changes your view on dreams and such. it did me
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