
Was I molested as a child? What constitutes being molested?

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I do not know what is considered molestation. When I was a kid my uncle used to put honey on his feet and give us money to l**k it off. It was gross but it was also sweet and we loved getting the money. He would call it the Sweet Feet game. In retrospect, I remember him moaning and moving his hands under the covers. I think he was getting way more out of it than we were. Was I molested?




  1. -_-....dude sorry, but you were his bit*h

  2. edit

    looking at your other questions, I see you're probably a troll. go l**k your uncle's feet, you weirdo.

  3. i once heard that molestation can be defined by if you feel uncomfortable in the situation and if you refused but were still made to. so i guess its up to that but i would say so

  4. From seeing your other questions it seems you were gone for awhile i wonder why.

  5. You were not molested. Molestation is inappropriate touching. Your uncle, however; is a pervert.

  6. Yep! You were molested. Sorry.

    More like, you were unwittingly used a a pawn in his twisted pedophiliac s*x fantasy game.

  7. i would say so,i am sorry

  8. yes because that was inappropriate behavior between an adult and an unknowing child. I'm sorry that happened to you!

  9. Yes.  Any action with a child that is done for the sexual gratification of an adult constitutes sexual abuse.  There are non-specific forms of molestation, and I would presume that what you described would fall into that category.  I am so sorry for your experiences as a child.  No person, no child should ever have to go through anything like that EVER in their lives.  God bless you.

  10. People, read his other questions.  The guy is a sick troll.

  11. It sounds like it was a sexual act from how he responded to it, so sadly I think it was molestation.

    I can understand how it would be hard to label it, because it was an unusual sexual act. Did you feel violated as a child? The thing is, even if you didn't feel sexually violated, he was still feeling sexual gratification off children. That's the problem with it, and why I would label it sexual abuse. Just because a child is confused about why an adult is doing what they do, doesn't lesson the crime.

    Sorry that happened.

  12. This sounds so unbelievably fake.  I'm sorry, it really does.

  13. yes , molestation does not just consist of penatration ,it can also be some other kind of freakish fetish with an underage child. i am sorry for that.

  14. i believe that you problem were, often in many cases the abuser calls what they are doing a fun name so that they can remove any suspicion away from them.

    and for anyone to accuse you of being a troll and making up a story like that they are a very disturbed and sad person indeed.

    I'm sorry that this happened to you but don't let it hold you back

  15. I would say so, and I'm sorry.

  16. No, just was pervy, but I don't think it is have a strange uncle...if you are old enough, ask him about it

  17. You are very deprived to come up with a story like this. It's pretty obvious you are a troll........but also sad that you'd come up with something like that.

  18. I would consider molestation defined as inappropriate touching I think in this case it could be considered abuse, I know that sounds strange but I think it fits better... sorry you had to be a part of that. Not cool. Well, hope this helps.

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