
Was I played, or did I play him??

by  |  earlier

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Well about a month ago a guy and I got a little drunk and just fooled around a little. The next day he texted me and added me on Facebook. But I just stopped responding to his texts thinking that he was a player like I had heard about him. I decided I would let him really work for me if he wanted me since he has a reputation of using girls. And even though I didn't respond I do sort of still feel sad about the whole situation..

So he put almost all of the effort into continuing something, but I didn't let it happen(probably for the better?). But I ended up feeling hurt. I'm guessing he is probably not hurt, but I can't know for sure. So what's the deal here?




  1. The DEAL (if you want to call it that) is, the guy wants to get in your pants!  PERIOD!  You know his reputation, be happy that you were strong enough to resist the jerk.  If you feel sad NOW, imagine how you'd feel if you went ahead and did it and then got dumped like all the rest?  Be proud of yourself for not letting the a-hole get the best of you.

  2. im guessin he did try to use you... and realized hes not gettin anywhere so he gave up

    please answer mine!;...

  3. first off, just reading your first question by not reading the rest..

    HE played you..

    If you played him, you would know the answer to that one. Simple as that.

  4. think of it as, now you two are both even

  5. Call it even and move on...

    You don't want to be with a guy who has that kind of reputation.  Trust me.

  6. I know its really hard - but its called 'picking the wrong guy'

    Don't worry I'm a bleeding expert at it - I don't even have s*x with them but still end up getting hurt!

    I'm trying to concentrate on letting go of the bad - even though its hard when you like them - so I can concentrate on embracing the new - which is good

    I'm fed up of picking the wrong 'uns!! .... but then I suppose many women can relate to that! lol

    I just heard someones husband has left them - with a 10 month old baby - to go back abroad and live with his family!!

    God - they say alls fair in love and war - but it isn't!!!

    Well - I hope they regret it at least - badly

    And its good you showed him he's a loser

    ( but try not to keep picking losers - thats the name of the game! lol )

  7. Got drunk, fooled around, one person wanted to continue things and the other didn't....sounds like the day in a life of a teenager at a party. No harm done.

  8. He played you by fooling around with you, while you were drunk!

    Then you fooled him by not talking to him and ignoring him.

    Both of you are.

  9. i wouldn't even worry about him. I mean if it was something worth grasping on to you, you yourself would have pursued it right now.

  10. To be played, Or not to be played

    Dose it matter?  You have to put your heart out there. Quit questioning yourself about this matter. Pick up the phone and call him. I'm sure it would make his day. Go out with him and see for yourself what he's all about.

    Good Luck...10-4  

  11. Man, are you two immature!

    Move on, and quit worrying about what he thinks.

  12. U played urself....Why do u want to know if he is hurt? Will that give u some kind of satisfaction?

  13. Ever heard of "leading someone on".

    You played him and that's not cool.

    I mean you could've talked to him when he commented you, but not do anything because you heard how he is.

  14. Why does it matter? You aren't talking to him anyways. Why would you feel hurt? It was  month ago and you said this guy may be a player. Get over him and this situation.

  15. you never know ..he could have liked you...If you are hurt then you must have liked him my thought would be to call him and make a date.,....NO DRINKING!! and see how it goes...if he is all over you then he only wants s*x and you'll know your answer for sure.....

  16. guys dont care much about girls since he dsnt really like you maybe.

    girls have more of a heart.

    more maturee:D

  17. First of all, why would you get drunk and fool around with someone you don't really know like that. NOt exactly classy. Why would you want basically a male w***e to pursue you. Why would you want someone that you know as you say "has a reputation of using girls." What does that say about you? Have more standards deserve better. You feel hurt because you were let your expectations get up. You knew who he was but was hoping for something from him. When you didn't get it  you felt hurt. Don't sweat him. you shouldn't even want him. i'm sure he's gotten drunk and fooled around with many girls since. you can do so much better. he probably did all that stuff just because he was hoping to put in work so you guys to hook up today. i'm sorry to say it sweetie but he was looking for a "buddy" if you know what i mean. well, you can't expect better from such a *oe. Remember : JUST BECAUSE YOU PUT A SUIT ON A PIG DOESN'T MEAN IT'S A GENTLEMAN.

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