
Was I really the weird kid from highschool?

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Recently, I got together with some highschool people.

I was always the called the weird kid. We all agreed I never fit in with the rest of the class.

But we started talking.

It turns out I was weird because:

- I never EVER smoked or drank when everyone else did.

-When everyone decided to slit their fingers, I didn't.

-When everyone tried weed, I didn't.

-When everyone thought it would be fun to steal from the store, I went home.

-When everyone got a tattoo, I didn't.

-When the whole class went to the see the hypnotism show. I was the only one from the class who didn't go.

And stuff like that. Apparently, they always wanted me to fit in with them, but I never let myself fit in.

According to them, I missed out a lot of things.

Am I really weird?




  1. It is sad how often teenagers think it's "weird" not to want to be just another sheep in the herd.

    I think this attitude is mainly about insecurity and the need to feel that the decisions they make - no matter how harmful to themselves and others or how short-sighted - are correct.

    In some cultures in some parts of the world, it's considered "weird" among teenage males to not want to go and blow yourself up in order to kill a few western infidels. It seems to me not that big a step from that sort of idiocy to the kind of foolishness you're talking about. Does that mean someone who doesn't want to be a suicide bomber is really weird? Only in a particular culture at a particular point in time.

    Had you been in a different sort of school with another crowd around you, how you decided to live your life would not have been seen as "weird", but completely reasonable and normal.

    I think it's good that you seem to have managed to maintain some sort of relationship with these people, even though your interests and leisure activities and theirs are very different. That suggests you have a high level of social skills. Sadly, it's all too easy for young people who act rationally and maturely to be ostracised and for life in High School to become total misery.  

  2. u were not weird.

    u were smart, cool headhed, responsible and d**n cool! becoz when all the others were getting doped u could see why not to do it!

  3. If you're weird, then I'm weirdER D:

  4. Your not weird at all. Your simply responsible and thats a good thing because once you start tings like slitting your fingers or wrists its EXTREMELY hard to quit.

  5. If you are weird you are admirably so, you realize that doing wrong to other people is not fun, doing harm to yourself is not fun etc. etc.

      If it is weird to act responsibly, there are a lot of us weirdos about, we just don't think it's weird.  

  6. You were the smart one. They'll regret most of that stuff one day, and will be telling their kids to be like ppl like you!

  7. no, you are the smart one. you are a good person. and there is nothing wrong with that. why get in trouble, or risk yo7ur life doing stupid things. good for you for being smart.


  8. Aside from the hypnotism show (which sounds pretty fun), you were making the right choices.

    You weren't weird, you were smart.

  9. oh my sounds like you were your own person fully capable of making your own decisions a leader a future somebody

    hey i turned down drugs and alcohol and i was the corny friend but guess what i was the only one who made something of myself they are all still hooked on drugs living with and of of their parents with criminal records and scarred bodies

    hold your head up high because if anyone missed anything it was them

    they missed the opportunity to be a kid and probably lost all their memories in the process by using drugs

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