Recently, I got together with some highschool people.
I was always the called the weird kid. We all agreed I never fit in with the rest of the class.
But we started talking.
It turns out I was weird because:
- I never EVER smoked or drank when everyone else did.
-When everyone decided to slit their fingers, I didn't.
-When everyone tried weed, I didn't.
-When everyone thought it would be fun to steal from the store, I went home.
-When everyone got a tattoo, I didn't.
-When the whole class went to the see the hypnotism show. I was the only one from the class who didn't go.
And stuff like that. Apparently, they always wanted me to fit in with them, but I never let myself fit in.
According to them, I missed out a lot of things.
Am I really weird?