
Was I right or wrong to do this?

by  |  earlier

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Some friends and I had been having a couple of drinks at my place, and one of my mates was going to drive home. When he wasn't looking, I hid his car keys and he cracked the s h i t s real bad. Anyway, I put him in a cab with some money to pay for his ride, and a note saying that I would pick him up tomorrow so he can come and get his car. He was still angry with me the next day when I picked him up for not letting him drive and it's ruined our friendship. We haven't spoken in about a year. I saw him today and I waved to be polite and he gave me the cold shoulder. Was I right or wrong to take his keys? I thought I was doing the right thing.




  1. if hes not thankful and holding a grudge for a year, hes not a good frind

  2. she should be glad that if you didnt take away his car keys, he wouldve end up in a hospital

  3. you were trying to protect him & nothings wrong with being there for a mate even if they don't think its the best he'd probably be giving you the cold shoulder for not stopping him if he'd been banded from driving or had a crash. hes pathetic to not see your a good mate.

  4. you did the right thing.

  5. You did the right thing.

    you cared about his safety

    and treats you like **** in return.

    he's not a very good friend is he..?

  6. You did the right thing. If he isn't grateful for what you've done, then there's no reason that he should be called as you FRIEND.

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