
Was I scammed by Africa's treasury? or just Spam/scammed? Please help!!?

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I gave money to a gentleman in Africa ... was I just scammed?

There was a gentleman that claimed he needed assistance before he gets approved for a loan in the bank so I sent Western Union and DHL to locations where it only required to give them their name and city and country... for example: Bello Usman Benin, Africa or Tony Mordi without any other information.. and another location in Malaysia.. and I was offered 800 thousand afterwards and I denied it and told him I just want my money back.. (my 600 dollars back.. ) What should I do? I work 60 hour work weeks.. and really don't need any money..




  1. i am afraid that you were scammed indeed;

    anytime you received a mail from someone that you do NOT know?

    your best move, is NOT to open that sort of mail..

    in the future, please do not answer mail....

    what you can do? is not pursue that sort of communication, refuse mail from strangers, (spam it!)

    i am sorry for you...some unscrupulous people abused you.

    change your email and block strangers;

    you will not get your money back....

    it is just like if someone stole from you,

    go to your bank and protect your account! it is urgent!

    please be careful in the future......

  2. You were really badly scammed. The same e-mail came to me but I just deleted it theirs no use trying to get your money back, its gone.

  3. Sorry, but yes, you were just scammed.  Not by Africa's treasury - by a thief claiming to be someone else.  There's really nothing you can do at this point but learn from it.

  4. You were a victim of a scam.  You cannot get your money back.  Your email address is now worth its weight in gold because you are a proven victim.  I recommend you get a new email address.

  5. Yes, you were scammed.

    All you can really do at this point is report it to police and think of it as paying $600 to gain a little wisdom.

  6. BURRRN you got scammed man!!! the only thing you could do now is to report it to the authorities

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