
Was I stupid or Just too in love sorry for the length

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okay well I have been "messing" with this guy for two years as he likes to call it...I love him but am I a fool for staying so long we were living together and he used to always come home late and when I said something about he said I was nagging and being a ***** cause he made so much noise coming in waking me up 3-5am. then he tells me I dont give him his space mind you we are never together during the day only time I see him is when he came in late.then hesays I dont give him space cause I call him more than once a day.Okay then I see him once a week if even that now since we are no longer living together he tells me I am too clingy cause I want to see him more and told me I dont appreciate him because I complained about the little time we have. he used to tell me I need to appreciate him coming home late him sleeping in the same bed as me for 2-3 hours is time and I dont appreciate it.Then I used to cry I did evey possible thing I could to make this work out and possibly make a turn around in him I stopped hanging out and just go to work and take care of business make time for my daughter and he told me I am not "wifey" material because I dont just talk to him and I complain about things like him not seeing me..and not talking to him..then I call sometimes he dont answer..told me he dont have to answer if he dont want to..but if I dont answer its a huge fight thats gonna happen. He has web pages and lists him self as single so when I do the same then another fight surfaces..This stuff used to hurt me but now it dont anymore Im just careless I dont even cry anymore but how should I shy away from him should I just cut him off cold turkey or something else talking does not help cause when we talk he tends to say hurtful things I really do not feel like hearing or arguing..also he used to always bring my self esteem down and say mean bad things about me...what do you all think about this was I just stupid or just in love by the way this was my first time being in love




  1. Lovey, I'm sorry to say this, but I think you were taken along for the ride, in all senses of the word. This guy is a jerk, and you deserve better. He used you - had you at home to keep his house for him, and could go out till all hours of the night .... he's a control freak too, wants to do his thing but gets annoyed when you do yours.

    I think you should get out and take your daughter, and forget about him, and indeed forget about all men for a while, and just focus on your child and her wellbeing.  

  2. i just want 2 points

  3. Oh my GOD if this isn't like reading my own life story then I don't know what is. I was SO where you're at right now, first love of 2 years and everything. LET IT GO. Please let it go. I can't go back in time and warn myself not to waste the time and heartach and I wish I could. Same thing, the things that hurt me kinda numbed in my chase to 'keep' him. HE DOES NOT WANT TO BE FAITHFUL. Cold Turkey is the only way. If you try to talk it out you know 1 of 2 things will happen. 1.) He'll sweet talk you and you'll stay or 2.) He'll pull the Fine then leave, or the I dont care ect.. then YOU'LL want to try to convince him to stay, (some guys are really good at turning the tables like that)  Discover your self worth, set a standard, then do not Ever settle for less. But please pleas elet him go. Do not allow him to waste anymore of your time and GOD forbid you get pregnant by him. It WILL be a downward spiral from that point on.. I am speaking truth, and I'm telling you what I know. Be smart. Use your potential. Go to school and become something he wishes he still had. Let it go! Girl I am so with you, I feel your situation. Email me if you need more motivation, good luck!

  4. its a gd thing you knw abt cutting him off.hes the lowest.any guy hu does that to a girl (esp if he loves her) is a p****.u havent bin stupid, its what love is.and its so gd that you've realised he's not gd for will take a lotta tym to get over him and rebuild ur confidence, but trust me it can be done.cut him off completely.know that he does not deserve you at all.he broke what you once were.dont give him the satisfaction any longer.imagine ur life before'll be able to survive not seeing him.cry abt it if u want to.u have a right to.dont let him control u anymore.get dressed and go out.or even stay in and have fun with friends.he needs to knw ur unique and theres thousands other ppl on this planet that would love to know u and care for u

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