
Was I stupid or clever?

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recently my girlfriend went on her own to Greece for a week (I had to cancel because of work). I know she likes to party so "just in case" I bought her a packet of condoms. Ma paly say I'm crazy, but I like to be realistic, and while many girls may have a fling and keep it quiet, I quite frankly would prefer not to catch anything when she comes back. As it happens she die flirt with a Greek waiter, and they did sleep together once - not as good as she expected, but With a condom. I dont have a problem with that.

He apparently looked great, but was pretty bad in bed and we both laughed about it a lot. We do have a great relationship, and are otherwise faithful with VERY few exceptions.

So was I clever? or am I a fool as my mates suggest?




  1. Both and you seem to be muddling along in your own stupid/clever way like a lot of people do.

  2. Wow!  You think it's OK to let your girlfriend sleep with other men?  Wow!  you guys must have an open relationship huh.

  3. Every relationship is different- so if you both were ok with that and as you said she was safe and you laughed about it afterwards- then whats there to worry about!? Don't listen to your mates coz the relationships between you and her not them!  But ask yourself would she be happy if the tables had turned and it was you sleeping with the waitress!?

    Either way, if your comfortable with it then there's no problem.

  4. if you havent made this all up then i think your mad

  5. Well, I wouldn't say you were clever. In fact, from what you have said, it sounds more like you had an ulterior motive. the fact that you both sat down and openly discussed it, and laughed about it suggests you both got a bit of a kick out of it?  

  6. If u r ok with it then u havent been stupid. But if u dont like it that ur girlfriend sleeps with other men you sshould talk 2 her about it. Can u see this relationship going anywhere if she is unfaithful????? xx

    p.s u probably were cleva 2 give her condoms tho cause now she wont have caught anything and wont be pregnant .

  7. a** h0*e

  8. I do find it a little strange, your almost promoting it. what if she finds someone else she likes ? will she do it again ? thinking you wont mind and then were does it stop ?

    And also she saying he was c**p in bed, is she really going to come home and say he was great much better than you ?!?, dont think so.

    You could be making a rod for your own back.

  9. Whether or not she had condoms, she probably would have slept with him, so i think you were right.

    On saying that though - if she loved you and was a proper girlfriend, she wouldnt have even thought about doing it! And she is probably just saying it was c**p to make you feel better.

    You must have an open relationship to feel like that mate. but seriously, its just plane wrong - she shouldnt cheat - holiday or not.

    How would she feel?

  10. What ever floats your boat!!! Personally i think thats pretty strange, but if you dont mind, and then if you were to do the same and she wouldnt mind, then thats ok i guess.

  11. You're an idiot.

  12. I think that you can trust her that much is an asset to your relationship.  Many people would be unhappy with what happened, but it you are then I see no problems.


  13. To buy the condoms in the first place, you obviously expect her to cheat on you. A real, loving relationship is about trust, devotion and love. If you laughed it off last time, she knows she has the green light to do it again! There are plenty of girls out there who would not cheat on you, go find one of them... you will never be able to trust her, and you are lucky there are not kids involved when there is unprotected s*x taking place! I wish you the best of luck for the future! X

  14. Oooya.  

    This is a little odd to me - you really don't mind the idea of another guy having his hands (amongst other things) all over your girlfriend?  Well, I guess if you're both cool with it, you're neither clever nor foolish.

    I get the feeling you'd like a 'well done' for looking out for yourself and making sure you don't catch anything from her: so er, well done.

    If a random greek waiter on holiday (eeew!) is allowed to do her, I wonder, who isn't....?  

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