
Was I the only one who did not know this?

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Can anyone tell me why after Katrina hit New Orleans that the military went in and took the guns away from the people who were staying behind to protect their property from the looters? Why on earth would our government do that? Isnt that whyour constitution was written to begin with to protect the people from the government?




  1. It wasn't the military, national guard units were "loaned" to Louisiana and were acting under the "police powers" section of the Constitution, and No, martial law was NOT declared, the mayor of New Orleans just decided that he could do anything he wanted to do and if anyone disagreed he would call them racist.  It was all part of his plan.

  2. I never heard of that.

  3. First of all, New Orleans Police had a shortage of a third of their police force, who cut and ran, in stead of serving and protecting. Some police officers were looting like some of the citizens. The military and our favorite civilian army called Blackwater, who are individually paid $7,000 a month. What the news media was told and was not reported, was there was anarchy,  that armed gangs were stealing recuer's boats. They the gangs roamed (by boat) into more affluent neighborhoods, and robbed, (and other things,) people at gun point. When the govermnment heard that citizens were arming themselves and protecting each other. They send in the troops and disarmed people under the guize of checking up on the people. Since then many states have passed a law call the Castle Law.

    A Castle Doctrine (also known as a Castle Law or a Defense of Habitation Law) is an American legal concept derived from English Common Law, which designates one's place of residence (or, in some states, any place legally occupied, such as one's car or place of work) as a place in which one enjoys protection from illegal trespassing and violent attack. It then goes on to give a person the legal right to use deadly force to defend that place (his/her "castle"), and/or any other innocent persons legally inside it, from violent attack or an intrusion which may lead to violent attack. In a legal context, therefore, use of deadly force which actually results in death may be defended as justifiable homicide under the Castle Doctrine.

    Castle Doctrines are legislated by state, and of course not all states in the US have a Castle Doctrine. The term "Make My Day Law" comes from the landmark 1985 Colorado statute that protects people from any criminal charge or civil suit if they use force - including deadly force - against an invader of the home. The law's nickname is a reference to the famous line uttered by Clint Eastwood's character Dirty Harry in the 1983 film Sudden Impact, "Go ahead, make my day."

  4. People still think the government is their "friend."  I think the idea is to limit the crime in a chaotic crime prone atmosphere.  But, I think that is unconstitutional.

  5. NO, many people are unaware....... under martial law they can do that.....but....wars have been started for less!

  6. Weapons of limited destruction were confiscated to insure the safety and well being of a tolitarian regime which was taking control of the devastation caused by hurricane Katrina.The constitution was temporarily suspended and can be under the directive of the president of the United States.

  7. Martial law was declared.  All rights are suspended when that happens.

    Edit:  No, it's not.  Lincoln declared such during the Civil War.

    I'm not saying I agree with it.  I'm just answering your questions.  There is a precedent for suspension of Constitutional rights by the legislative and executive branches.  The link provides a summary of them.  It happened during the aftermath of Katrina.  It's legal if the US Supreme Court says it is, which they did.

  8. I had not heard of this either.  The Constitution was written as a framework for how our government should function.  The Bill of Rights was written to protect the people from the government.

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