
Was I wrong...I don't think so!

by  |  earlier

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One day my kids and I were at Game Exchange and came out and got into our pickup. I noticed that next to us were two very young children sitting in their car eating something. One was around 9, and the other was probably about 2. It really ticks me off when people are so irresponsible and lazy that they leave their young children in the car because it is easier for them. What if the baby started choking on her food? Don't they know about car jacking and kidnapping? Anyway, the lady finally comes back to her kids like 15 minutes later. I confronted her about the issue and she came unglued. After our argument and her cussing me out, I left the parking lot and she acted like she was going to run me down with her SUV! She acted like I was in the wrong. She didn't think she did anything wrong because it was not hot out and she had her car alarm on. I told her "I'm sure you love your kids, but don't you watch the news? You know what can happen to them." I can't tell you what she said back to me, but I think she wanted to rip my head off! Do you feel I was wrong? I just felt like if I said something to her, that maybe she wouldn't do that anymore and it could actually be saving the kids lives. What is your opinion?




  1. I think you were being a *****.  

  2. I don't believe you to be wrong in this situation at all!  There are laws about leaving your children unattended and this woman broke the law.  True you should have called the police, but saying something to her might make her think twice about doing that in the future.  She was wrong and you were looking out for the best interest of her children (which she obviously wasn't doing herself).

    You handled it fine and I probably would have (and have done) similar.  I saw a two year old in a car out in the Wal-Mart parking lot, not a parent or adult in sight.  I looked around a little and waited for a couple minutes to see if anyone came out or showed up but no one did.  I took down the license plate number and the make and model of the vehicle and then reported it to the security in the store.  They called the police and when I left the police where there question the owners of the vehicle.  Some parents are very irresponsible.

  3. I suppose you could have said "Oh, well....I'm terribly sorry...why don't we settle it this way.  Let's wait here, I'll call the authorities, and we'll see what their opinion of the situation is.  If you're right, you have nothing to worry about.  In fact, let's call them right now."  The only thing that leaves the tiniest little "did you do wrong" in it, you say you "confronted" her.  Did you plead your case as a concerned person giving helpful information for her oversight, or did you present it as "Hey dumb***....what the he** were you thinking????"  As they say, a soft answer turneth away wrath.  Not that I'm saying it was wrong of you to talk with her, just wondering about your delivery.  But I wasn't there to see it, so you're the one who knows that answer.  As for the question about if it's against the law, I know in the area I live in it is....they even respond if there's a call about an animal left in a car.

  4. I had something similar happen to me.  I saw a 2 year old alone in a car with the window open.  I stood around trying to decide what to do, while keeping an eye on the baby.  Just then a security guard drove by so I stopped her and pointed out the situation.  She went over and saw that the mother actually was in the car, but had her seat layed back so I couldn't see her.  

    Here is what I think you should ask yourself.  How would you have felt if you didn't do anything, and something did happen to those children?  Ignore the witchy mother, and remember that you did the right thing despite her bad choices.  Also, I do think that even though she raged at you, she will go home and think about what you said.  

    I do agree that in the future, you should  just call the police.  

  5. Whether what you did wrong is irrelevant. She doesn't know you and you are not a law enforcement official so she therefore took your opinion as an afront to her mothering skills.

    I would just let the issue be and not do it in the future. Those kids are not your responsibility.

    If it was me, I would have ignored the situation, even though I do think she shouldn't have left her kids in the car.

  6. Yes, this mother made a bad decision, and you were right to be upset by it.  HOWEVER, all of you posters who are saying what a terrible mom this lady is and how unthinkable her actions are, PLEASE make a point of behaving sympathetically not critically the next time you see children misbehaving and running amok in a store while the mom tries to complete her shopping/errands.  No dirty looks or muttering comments allowed.  after all, this mom could have just left these unruly children in the car...

  7. Anon (poster above me) obviously doesn't have children.  I think you should have called the police.  I don't know if you heard the story of the mother that left her sleeping baby in the car to take her child 30 feet away to give a donation to the salvation army man during Christmas time.  She was brought up on charges.  I think that one was a bit extreme.  Obviously this woman does not think she did anything wrong.  There was a woman in my town who left her 3 kids parked on a bridge with the car running so she could run into a leather store.  She was in there for over an hour.  She will be spending a bit of time in jail.  She thought nothing of it, but will never do it again.

  8. I think you're instincts were in the right place.  We don't know this woman's story but I think its safe to assume that she watches the news and knows all the dangers that could come along by leaving your children unattended in a car.  People tend to have that whole "but it won't happen to me" mentality.  Sometimes life's tough lessons need to be learned the hard way.  Like other people have said, I would have called the police or left a note on her car so that she can still get the message without putting myself or my children in harms way (she seemed pretty crazy).

  9. You did what you thought is right, you stood up for what you believe in, besides, you WERE right!!!! Living kids in the car like that is not on.

    As for the LAW, I know here in Australia it is illegal, don't know about there.    

  10. People should really think about what they are doing. You are right. When I was a kid my friends parents left then in the car at the store. There was a gas can in the trunk and the boys were playing with matches in the car. The fumes from the gas and the matches caused the car to catch fire. One of the boys had severe burns over most of his body. Sadly the his younger brother, 5 year old Danny, burned to death.  This was a terrible tragedy. Many, many years have gone by and I have never forgotten it or that boy's name. A nice little boy never got to live his life. People don't know what they are doing when they leave their children in the car. You should have called the police and reported that woman. She doesn't deserve to have children.

  11. You were completely in the right.As far as the law against children in the car,that's true to a certain extent.If your a mother and your just running in the gas station to pay for the gas,there's no law against that only if your car isn't running.But something over a few minutes and where the car isn't in a close-to-the-store parking lot,then it is against the law.But you were in the right.

  12. I would have called the police and reported her.  Let Child Services figure out if what she did was okay.  I doubt it.

  13. While your heart was in the right place, I think you made the wrong decision to confront the woman.  I think you should have called the police instead.  I'm not sure on legality, but at best, it is bad parenting.

  14. You probably should have called the police but you did her a favor and the thanks you got from it. She's a clueless moron. You pointed it out and she didn't like it. I would never leave young kids like that in a car. They have to come in. I would never leave an animal in a car either. Some people just can't admit that sometimes they do the wrong thing. It's a sign of a stupid person in my opinion because we don't always make the best decisions. I made an error in judgment. Someones told me so and you know what, I listened and agreed. I wasn't offended. It happens. There is nothing wrong with that. You just try to do the best you can. I wouldn't give her anymore of your thoughts. You know you were right. So many people would have just let it go. You took the heat because you felt it was the right thing to do. You are someone that I would want to have as a neighbor. You are gutsy and you care. Do you know how rare that is these days? So many people are too worried about offending each other and why? You are speaking from your heart. You could have easily just walked away. You didn't take the easy way out. Some people are not smart enough to appreciate it. Kudos to you. She's a clueless moron.  

  15. I think you've done good.

    I've seen on the news that kids and even pets died because it was TOO warm in the car (that's why it's illegal in Australia, because it's very hot there)

  16. You were wrong to think you could have a rational conversation with anyone who is irresponsible enough to leave two children alone in a car.  You should have just reported it to the police and leave it to them.  There was no way she was going to take an unsolicited lecture from you well.

  17. Hmm that is a tough one to encounter. YOu don't want to come off as insulting someone's parenting skills, which can send them over the edge. But I do believe you are doing it for the children's safety. YOu could leave a note on the car next time too, it would get the mother to consider your point without the change of getting run over!!

    I don't think you were wrong, people need to stand up and say something if something is being done wrong especially involving children.  

  18. you did no harm...its not like you got her kids taken by calling the authorities.

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