
Was I wrong for asking a guy out?

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I'm 26 year old black woman who asked a 29 year old Asian man out on a date. He turned me down but we've been friends ever since. He just told me that he thought I was desperate for asking him out and he also thought I was desperate because I talked about dating and men in general. For instance, like I would tell him that I thought a certain guy was cute or whatever. Correct me if I;m wrong but when does all of this make a girl desperate? In no way did I offer my body to him or make any sexual gestures or whine about not having a man.




  1. You're never wrong to ask someone out regardless of the outcome. I'm sure its just personal differences, he may not be use to a girl showing her interest to others so openly, while to others its perfectly normal.  

  2. no ur not wrong ...we don't live in cave-man time's  ..keep on asking guy ..i would if i was a women ..

  3. To me, u just sound like a female. We all do it! U don't sound desperate at all. If he thinks that than u should just ask somebody else out. Maybe he's making up excuses as to why he don't wanna go out on a date wit u.. most Asians stay in their own race. Keep on wit ur bad self girl 'n be a female 'n if men don't like it, who needs 'em? It's always alright for men to talk 'bout how s**y a woman is 'n droll over 'em but god forbid if a woman does it.

  4. I usually don't give out advice like this but anyway.....1st of all, I'm a little old fashioned and would prefer the guy to do the asking out. 2nd of all, you're black and he's Asian....move on. I find that Asian men are the biggest wussies and will come up with every imaginable excuse not to go out with a black woman. I assure you, if you were white, you would have received a total different response. He'd probably be walking you down the isle right now! Desperate probably wouldn't have registered in his mind. Why not date some white guys? There are plenty of white men who are willing to date black women and have the spine to stand up to their families about it.

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