For eight months I have enjoyed the friendship of a woman. She is married to a fine gentleman who works extra hours whenever possible in order to be a good provider for his family. She has beautiful children who excel at whatever challenge is placed before them. She is a very loving and caring wife and mother.
We have never met. She lives in another world thousands of miles away from me. I've never even seen her photo. We had no plans to ever meet. It was strictly an email friendship.
She stopped contact. I asked if everything was okay and she informed me that being in contact with me was difficult for her because of a constant reminder of how things could have been.
I've never tried to have a thing with her or even suggest that it was possible some day. She has a life, I have a life.
But, now I'm in pain from this loss. We were good friends and I miss her. I fear that I should not have let her become as close of a friend as I feel we were so as to protect her from knowing the person that I am and to not be affected by that.
I can't help but feel that she is also feeling pain from having to step away from our contact. I feel for her and wish her well.
Was I wrong, in this case, to allow what I feel was a very nice wholesome friendship? How can I prevent this from happening in the future? There was no suggested romance or any such talk of one. She is a married woman and that's not my spot of tea, nor is she the type to seek affection outside of her marriage. She is an extremely respectable person.
I'm totally open to feedback if anyone can enlighten me.