
Was It right to Youth-a-niz That pigeon?

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So like my dad is a vet and like today i went to his work and out side i see a pigeon on the ground limping right in front of my dads work just limping there and cant fly because somthing was wrong with its wing.

So i try getting it but its so stupid that it wanted to try and cross the road with a brokin foot and a brokin wing. im like so scard that its ganna get killed by the cars and so i was like omg thats it its ganna die so i go in side and was waiting for it to get hit because everytime i would go neer it it would go more in to the street.

But then it starts walking back on to the side walk and to the door. i was able to grabe it and put it in a cage. i try giving it bread, crunched up cat food, and water but will not take it in stead it craps all over the cage.

We end up naming him/ her Lucky because she was so lucky he did not get killed by the cars. But then we took x-rays and my hand was in the say because i was trying ot hold it down. SO then




  1. Yes your dad did the right thing poor bird had a nasty wound and flies had laid eggs and would hatch and feed on poor bird to live and the bird would suffer and if you could save he/she most likely would never fly again and be deformed  so this was a good idea and this poor bird wont suffer any more.

  2. yes it sounds like your dad did what was best for the bird.

    It sounds like he had an old wound and that maggots had gotten to it already. It would have had a miserable life.

    Talk to your dad and tell him you want to know what reasons he used to decide to put down the bird.  Like you said only you and your dad were there so he would be the best person to talk to about this.

    Its not easy to put an animal down and its natural to feel some kind of guilt because you wanted to save it and it couldnt be saved. Although it was a hard lesson it was never the less a good lesson to learn

    Yes your spelling and writing do let us know that you are young and need some help with it. But as you have said you are 13 and that is what school is for. Spelling and learning new words is something you will do your whole life not just at school.  And i think you are doing ok for a 13 year old.

    It also sounds like you are very caring about animals.- Maybe you have the makings to be a vet just like your dad.

    hope this helps a little bit

  3. Sometimes euthanasia is the only option.

    Birds are fragile.  A broken wing can be fixed, a leg can be set...but this bird had serious issues, including a maggot infestation, which indicates dead and dying flesh.  Depending on the age of the injuries, they may have been impossible to fix.

    If the bird was injured that severely, euthanasia may have been the only humane solution.

    A wild pigeon who cannot fly wouldn't have much of a life, and it would not survive in the wild.

    Birds are not stupid, they act on instincts.  The bird was already injured, and it viewed you as a threat - not as a rescuer.  It was afraid - that's why it tried to go into the road.

    You tried.  Sometimes the outcome isn't a happy one.  But you tried.   Look at it this way - the bird was in pain.  Your father ended the suffering.  

    If you had done nothing, the bird would have suffered longer, until it died of it's injuries, was hit on the road, or attacked by predators.

  4. Judging by your horrid spelling, you have more to worry about than a sick pigeon. Your dad did the right thing by euthanizing it.

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