
Was Jamie Arniel a steal in the fourth round?

by Guest61207  |  earlier

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He was projected to go higher than this. Some liked him better than Boston's first round pick, Joe Colborne. He's supposed to be the go-to-guy in Sarnia now with Stamkos gone. I think he'll be a solid NHLer..steal?




  1. He's a pretty fast player with a pretty good shot.  He's average in the face off circle.  There was some issues back in November where he was traded from his junior club for not being 100% committed to his Guelph team.  This probably was the reason why he dropped so much and why so many clubs passed on him.

  2. yeah and the fact he played with steve stamkos and Zach Boychuk on the same line he knows there game and could always be beneficial when we face them

    although I really don't understand why Boston drafted so many centers!

  3. okay so since i know this kid is a sens fan and doesn't like the leafs and didn't want to be anywhere near the leafs or picked by them on draft they i should probably dislike him and stop this before i go any further but i think it's an alright pick for boston. i was thinking the same thing about drafting centres but oh well.

    i'm more of a guelph storm fan than the sting and i have to say this kid sometimes shoots off his mouth rather unfortunately and looses it but aside from that he has good hands and is a scorer. basically he got traded from the storm because kid was not committed to playing for the team and the coach was hard on him because kid didn't fight, didn't compete, battle in the corners, sucked at pk, etc...i won't go as far to say he's like a daniel briere type of player cause danny has a lot more heart...but they're alike. they have to be at the right place at the right time to score and that's arniel. i think he was the best forward on the team and needed to see more ice time but hardass coach wasn't having that.

    he was projected higher because of his upside but seriously i would have picked colborne in the first round. i think it's a good thing that he got picked when he did because i think he still would have dropped. i love the kid though cause he plays hard, gives it his all, has hockey vision, helped team canada in u 18's. of course he's gonna be sarnia's go to guy without stammy, but that doesn't mean much cause that team lol needs a couple of prayers.

    he's actually pretty good at face offs.

  4. h**l ya that was a steal that late man

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