
Was Jean Chretien a good Prime Minister?

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Why or why not?




  1. The man was PM for a very long time, and so any judgment of his merits will include both bad and good.

    One element that can't be denied is his indefatigable patriotism.

  2. Yes he was good, I wouldn't say great because he was more of a bureaucrat than a visionary, but he was able to stabilize the economy and bring the country back to normalcy out of the total mess that the Conservatives left it in.

    The one thing he wasn't able to do was maintain unity in his party. I don't believe he was personally responsible for the sponsorship scandal, but the Liberal party became more corrupt after being in power for a long time, and he should have had more control.

  3. ummm...maybe you should get a life and help people instead of being a s**t about everything...


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