
Was Jesus Christ perfect and of no sin at all? ?

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Could Jesus Christ walk on water and bring people back from the dead and heal the blind? Yes he could. Because he is the son of Jehovah God who is perfect. If Jehovah did not manifest himself in the flesh as Jesus Christ (human form) people would not believe there is a God.




  1. Yes. He is the perfect man

  2. You certainly have knowledge and wisdom my friend. Make sure that is stays in Christ.

    God Bless.  

  3. Yes, He was perfect and sinless.

  4. Of course he was and is> HE IS THE SON OF GOD! Hes everything! Read the bible.Then say a prayer!

  5. Are you aware that you are contradicting yourself?

    Read this, it may help to clear up a few things.  

  6. Yes, Jesus lived a completely sin-free life. He was the perfect sacrifice (the spotless lamb) which was required for the redemption of all mankind.

  7. you are not really asking a question here, you are preaching. But who are you  trying to convince?

    I will always believe that Jesus was just man who rebeled against the cruelty of the governing body...the oppressed needed escape and they looked to him. Since the story of the savior or deliverer had already been written and told ( they originally believed John the Baptist was the deliverer, but upon his death, the people needed a replacement). The legend of JC is nothing more than fabrication after his death. He became a martyr and symbol of freedom for a group of oppressed people that today, you do not even include as part of your Christian faith.  

  8. Did Reagan let the crazies out again?

  9. Yes.

  10. Moses split the Sea of Reeds but he wasn't the son of God.  If you believe in God then you believe that anyone can walk on water if God lets them do it.

    Only 1/3 of the world is Christian.  If Jesus was supposed to bring everyone to God then he hasn't done a very good job of it.  A *real* God would have figured out a more effective way of getting the job done.

    The only way a person can be perfect is in a story.  This aspect alone proves that Jesus is just a myth.

  11. Jesus Christ was perfect. He lived a pure, holy, and sinless life.

  12. Sinless?

    Jesus spent several hours making a whip (scourge) so that he could go and attack some merchants in a temple, which he did!

    Sinless, no.  Sinful, yes!

  13. Jesus IS perfect and much more...

  14. No.

    I wouldn't call anyone who goes around violently upsetting game tables, cursing trees, and turning children into goats a perfect being.

    I encourage anyone (Christian, or not) to seriously take time to read and study the bible apocryphas, especially the gospels describing Jesus childhood.  There's a reason why a lot of these books were left out of the final draft of the biblical canon...  because church bigwigs thought they painted an unfavorable light on Jesus.

    for example:

    The Book of Enoch was omitted because it stated God destroyed earth with water because he wanted to rid the world of giants, not because of man's sin.  There was also a lot more description about the Angels interbreeding with man.

    In the Thomas gospels, it was preached that God was everywhere!  In a tree, a blade of grass, a rock, a broken clay pot...  the books were omitted because the abstract concept that "God was everywhere" closely resembled the teachings of Buddha, which at the time was a new and swiftly uprising religion and considered a threat.

    In the Infancy Gospels, a young Jesus had a temper tantrum and turned some children into goats.

    The Bible, just like pretty much everything else in this world, has been censored to tailor the interests of those in power.

  15. So why did they believe in him before Jesus' time?

  16. Yes and His name is Almighty also..

  17. He cursed a fig tree, this is a sin. Called people fools, this is a sin. Showed wrath and anger at the money lenders, this is a sin. Had no gainful employment and didn't work for his food or money, sloth, this is a sin. He never married, this is a sin. The gnostic gospels show him killing someone and bringing them back to life, this is a sin. If he's omnipotent he had the power to avoid his death and willingly chose to die, suicide, this is a sin. Try and follow the Bible word for word and you get into all kinds of trouble. Jesus was hardly sinful, and science clearly shows Genesis and therefore original sin is a lie negating the need for Jesus' sacrifice in the first place.  

  18. I agree that he was perfect, but Jehovah is Jesus Christ.

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