
Was John McCain's VP choice a desperate move?

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I won't bash Ms. Palin. I only know that she is against all forms of abortion (even Rape and Incest) Plus she is a member of the NRA.




  1. Honestly i'm not into politics. McCain is just scary and his VP choice... further makes me believe that he is confused and scary.

    This whole election is like a bad season of the Real World.

  2. No, it just showed us he is already senile!

  3. Yes 80% no 20%

  4. Sarah Palin already cuts taxes for her state.  

  5. Desperate, no. A ploy for more votes, yes. That's what VPs are for these days....both parties.

    Tax cuts for 95% plus MORE social programs....something doesn't exactly add up...

  6. no it wasnt a desperate move cuz she has typical conservative values.  She just happpened to b the best choice at the time.

  7. LOL the only thing Dems can gripe about with McCain is that he's old ... I guess we'll have to hear about Palin's anti-abortion stance the same way now.  It's the ONLY thing you've got - nice try.  Believe it or not, not ALL people think like you.  As a matter of fact there are a LOT of people that believe exactly like she does.  As a woman I support her views far more than I ever did with Hillary ... wait, I never supported Hillary.  What a weak, insecure woman to stay with her husband who publically humiliated her.  I could never look up to someone like her as my leader or role model - "her" being Hillary Clinton for those of you that need clarification.

    About your additional details - HOW is Obama going to do these things he keeps saying he's going to do?  The world may never know - HE doesn't even know.  But it sure does sound good when he's up on stage!

  8. NRA?  Awesome !!

    Desperate?  No.. more like Brilliant!

    You believe he's going to cut taxes for 95% of Americans?  Then why is he planning to repeal the Bush tax cuts?

    If you believe that then..... hold on.. brb.. bigfoot is delivering my pizza

  9. she will not do anything about abortion... just like bush hasn't contrary to what all libs were saying all along. you people are ridiculous

  10. It was a brilliant move by McCain and just cinched this election.

  11. Desperate, no, stupid, yes. Other than the people who live in Alaska, who has ever heard of Ms Palin ? Her political career consists of 20 months experience. Should Mr McCain die while in office, the country would be run by an unknown, inexperienced world affairs leader.

      True, the same can be said for Mr. Obama, but at least he chose a running mate that has been around the political block several times over. This years presidential election leaves no choice neither Republican nor Democrat. God help us all.

  12. Check mate.Do you really want to pick on a women....

    Face facts THE ONLY reason Obama is where he's at is the color of his skin.After pushing a so-called Vietnam Vet war Hero the dems knew the only way to win is push Obama.Face it no one can say his name(Without being called a racist) no can bring up his so-called Church's pastor(Without being called a racist also).Obama tried using the race card.He failed.Now he picks a 36 year vet of Washington(That's real change).

    Lets just see how well he really does.

    Even he can't pick on a women(He'll try oh yes he'll try).He's got a lot of guts to say anything about her.Two years as Governor trumps his 143 days as Senator.Face it!

    If the Republicans pushed some one like him they would be torn up by the media.


  14. Judging from the way the liberals on here have got their panties all in a bunch, i'd say it was a pretty smart move

  15. No, desperate is choosing the experienced guy despite the fact that he's said you're too inexperienced to be President.

  16. I think it is more embarrassing than anything.  After all the fuss he has made out Obama's experience, it makes him look hypocritical.

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