
Was John McCain's divorce from Carol an example of "Family Values"?

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While Carol was recovering from a crippling automobile accident, John McCain divorced her - and married Cindy Lou.

That's real family values if I ever heard it.




  1. Perhaps his, but not mine. Further, not only did he cheat on Carol with Cindy and several other women, he also got a marriage certificate with Cindy BEFORE seperating from Carol. Remember, he left his disabled wife to care for 3 young children all alone.

    McCain is a McSexist. He has repeatedly voted against women and our veterans. He frequently makes crass jokes about rape and abuse. He has a terrible temper and has called his own wife all sorts of names.

  2. you listed wikipedia as your source?....HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH...

    Wikipedia... that's cute

  3. according to rush and hannity that's ok because he was held prisoner for 5 yrs the repubs talk about the ten commandments but think it don't apply to repubs maybe the repubs think that an armement should be put on the ten commandments saying thou shall not commit adultery unless you have been a p o w

  4. thats real old school catholic ideals. getting divorced is against family values! you know what family values are and they have little to do with old church rules. Its what most of america values as essential part of life :family.

  5. No, and Sen. McCain acknowledges that as his "greatest moral failure".

  6. Family Values only pertain to Conservatives when they are in public or criticizing the lifestyle of a minority or other person unlike themselves. That is another reason I have trouble taking McCain at face value. I think he is an old senile sexist bigot.

  7. Ooops, forgot about Clinton turning "Our" Whitehouse into a Bordello.

    Oh well, just goes to show you, Dem or Rep, they're all human.

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