
Was John McCain actually tortured?

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This is not really a political question and I am not for Obama or McCain or anyone else. I am just curious if McCain was actually tortured and if there is any actual evidence of it?

Please do not post pro McCain propaganda or for that matter pro anything propaganda, just evidence and factual info about McCain being tortured or not!




  1. He was a POW, what do you think?

  2. yes

  3. If you pay close attention, you'll never see him raise his arms above his head. This is apparently the result of shoulder injuries from a standard torture technique in which the hands are bound behind the small of the back, and then the body is raised off the floor using the bound hands as the fulcrum, allowing the body weight to act as the torture device.

  4. No.  He was aggressively interrogated.

  5. If you need some kind of evidence, look at McCain's arms.  Do you think he just doesn't raise them past a certain height because he doesn't feel like it?  That people would even ask something like that makes them look like monsters.

  6. His arms and shoulders are crippled to this day from being broken by the Viet Cong. Do you need to see the Xrays?

  7. He claims he was.  His jailer claims they used to drink tea together and discuss politics, and nobody got tortured.

    Who knows, really.  Truth is the first casualty of war they say.

    Remember what happened with Pat Tillman and that Pvt. Lynch lady?

    When everybody up to the highest authorities on both sides is willing to spread BS in their respective causes, what are your chances of knowing anything for sure.

    And now, the real p**p:

    Top Cop Says McCain Was Never Tortured

    Former Vietnam vet with top secret clearance -

    Republican frontrunner is "a lying skunk"

    Paul Joseph Watson

    Prison Planet

    A former Vietnam veteran with top secret clearance says he has

    personally spoken to numerous POW's who dispute John McCain's claim

    that he refused to provide information after he was captured and

    tortured in Hanoi, saying that in fact McCain's code-name was

    "Songbird" because of his willingness to tell all to avoid torture.

    Jack McLamb served nine years in secret operations in Cambodia and

    other nations before going on to become one of the most highly

    decorated police officer's in Phoenix history, winning police officer

    of the year twice before taking a role as a hostage negotiator for the


    "I know a lot of Vietnam veterans and a few POW's and all the POW's

    that I've talked to over the years say that John McCain is a lying

    skunk," McLamb told the Alex Jones Show. "He never was tortured - they

    were there in the camp with him and then when he came in....he

    immediately started spilling his guts about everything because he

    didn't want to get tortured," said McLamb, contradicting the official

    story that McCain only offered his name, rank, serial number, and date

    of birth.

    "The Vietnamese Communists called him the Songbird, that's his code

    name, Songbird McCain, because he just came into the camp singing and

    telling them everything they wanted to know," said McLamb.

    McLamb said the POW's told him that McCain had sustained two broken

    arms and a leg injury from not pulling his arms in when he bailed out

    of his A-4 Skyhawk that was shot down over the Truc Bach Lake in


    The POW's said that McCain made 32 propaganda videos for the communist

    North Vietnamese in which he denounced America for what they were

    doing in Vietnam.

    "They have these sealed now, our government has these sealed, we can't

    get to it, they have it classified," said McLamb, adding that in truth

    "the POW's hate John McCain."


    It is commonly accepted that McCain was treated better than other

    POW's and afforded medical care immediately after the North Vietnamese

    discovered that his father was a top admiral.

    Several Vietnam veterans groups do solely exist to expose McCain's

    abandonment of veteran's interests as well as his lies about being

    tortured, including Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain and U.S.

    Veteran Dispatch.

    Doubts over McCain's alleged war hero status and his support to

    curtail efforts to look for missing POW's contributed to torpedoing

    his presidential campaign in 2000 and those same questions will

    undoubtedly surface again should the Senator win the Republican



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