
Was John McCain responsible for igniting the rocket that tore into his plane and led to the deaths of 167 men?

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If so, I don`t think guy has a conscience




  1. There is even a layout of the deck at the link. The Zuni rocket misfired  and caused fires more than once. There were other Carrier accidents, those other did not create the fire that occurred on The Forestall. Lt. Commander McCain went to another Carrier because there was a slot open and he volunteered to fill it.

    Unlike Sen. Kerry, he earned his Purple Heart by receiving wounds requiring a Doctor, not just a band aid. Unlike Sen. Kerry he did not receive wounds from a weapon that he fired himself. Unlike Sen Kerry he never violated Art. 104 of the UCMJ, a felony punishable by death. Unlike Sen. Kerry he did not take a camera to make movies to advance a political career.

    In short Kerry got hammered because the s*****k deserved it. Now there are those "trying" with very little success to get Sen. McCain.

  2. This is what happens when people get their information from smear sites.

    The fire on board USS Forrestal was started by a malfunctioning Zuni rocket mounted on another aircraft.  It prematurely fired while the plane was parked on deck and struck McCain's A-4, which was parked across the rear flight deck.  McCain narrowing escaped from the burning aircraft by climbing out on the nose and refueling probe.  134 sailors lost their lives combating the fire and resulting explosions of aviation ordnance.  

    The best source of information on the event is the Navy's training film "Trial By Fire"; every sailor serving in the last forty years has seen it multiple times.  Inane speculation on the Internet is not fact.

  3. I already know what answer you want. You want people to say that John McCain killed 167 men so you can feel happy that people agree with you. Here's some advice, stay on the people's forum, where you can find masses who actually agree with your hating. This is distasteful.

  4. No he wasn't. A plane across from his, there was a static charge. It hit his plane, he had to escape that. He was burned in that explosion.  

  5. Apparently he performed a hot dog start known as a wet start...dribbling fuel into the engine prior to starting it.  It causes a large flame to flash from the engine.  It startled the pilot of the plane behind him causing him to fire the zuni.  

    McCain's admiral father got him transferred off the Forrestal before the crew lynched him.

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